PoiFS accepts an InputStream. What lies under that Input stream is
irrelevant as far as POI is concerned.. while the most used case is a
FileInputStream, it could be anything. 

What you need to ensure however, in your method, is that the file does
not acculumate extra bytes at the beginning or end... thats the source
of most pain. 

There were issues in POI earlier with InputStreams that were slow.. but
I believe that's been fixed since at least the 2.0 version. 


On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 14:22 +0000, David W. Brown wrote:
> Hello POI/HSSF gurus, I have been using POI/HSSF for about a week: great 
> stuff!I have built a small inventory app (Tomcat/servlet/jsp) that runs as 
> expected on the localhost machine. if I open the input Excel file locally 
> all-is-well. But if I attempt to access the web app over the network 
> all-is-well until I try to open the input Excel file. I am using the HTML: 
> <input type=file tag. I understand the problems in opening a file in the 
> manner previously described. Does the POIFSFileSystem have classes and 
> methods to access files over a LAN? I will gladly accept any: rant, rave or 
> remedy. Please advise, David.
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