I'm trying to add some custom properties to a word document using HPSF.
It seems to work fine, besides that the information is not displayed in
the properties of the document when I open it using MS Word. Also the
information will be removed from the document when saving it in Word.
(I used a hex-editor to be sure, that everything is stored in the doc)
This is what I do in detail:
I create a new Section within the DocumentSummaryInformation and add a
dictionary and a tag "info".
(I used the WriteAuthorAndTitle example from the HowTo)
--- begin of code ---
MutablePropertySet mps = new MutablePropertySet(si);
MutableSection s = null;
Map hm = new HashMap();
// If there is already a second section, then write to it.
// Works fine and the information stays within the document
// even after saving it with MS Word
if (mps.getSectionCount() > 1){
s = (MutableSection) mps.getSections().get(1);
hm = s.getDictionary();
} // if not, create a new one
else {
s = new MutableSection();
String info = "Hello World";
// size +2, becaus position 0 is the dictionary
// and 1 is the codepage
long posInfo = hm.size() + 2;
hm.put(new Long(posInfo), "info");
// creating a new property
MutableProperty p = new MutableProperty();
// write to file etc.
InputStream pss = mps.toInputStream();
de.createDocument(name, pss);
--- end of code ---
I compared the output of POI to a document I created in MS Word using
the ReadCustomPropertySets example and the only difference I found was
the codepage set to 1200 by POI and 1252 by MS Word.
Any hints what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,
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