On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Erez Eisenstein wrote:
Using the _getRawParagraphStyle() method, I've looked at the TextProp names and values I get from a PPT file, that uses numbering. After that, I changed the numbering (from numbers to letters), and looked at the TextProps - but they are all the same.

Can I check exactly what you did? Did you take two powerpoint files, one with number bullets, and one with letter bullets, and compare the TextProps on the bulleted text? If so, were they the same?

In that case, what you'll need to do is create a document with a single page, containing a single list, with say 3 entries in it. Save it. Open it, swap the bullet style, and save to a new file. Now compare the two, and see where they differ. That should tell you what records hold the details you're after.

Is this information stored in a different place?

Your guess is as good as ours....


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