Hi All

As most of you will know, we are gearing up to doing a 3.0 release of POI.
As part of this, as release manager, I've produced Release Candidate 1 of
POI 3.0. This can be downloaded from:
and corresponds to the state of svn TRUNK as of this morning.

Users of POI 2.5
If you currently use POI 2.5 (or older!), we need you to try running your
code against this release candidate. If it works, great! If not, please
open bugs for things that fail. When opening these bugs, please ensure
that you include all the sample files we'll need, detailed descriptions of
the problem, and if possible, a failing unit test.

Users of POI 3.0 alphas
If you currently use one of the 3.0 alphas, or nightlies, please ensure
you have bugs open for any problems you're still seeing. Make sure these
bugs have everything we'll need to be able to fix them. Also, review your
outstanding bugs, and check they have enough information in them. If
possible, write a failing unit test for your bug, and upload that, so
we'll be able to easily see if we've fixed it.

You've almost all promised me some time to be spent on bug fixes. Now is
the time we need you to fix those bugs :)

The Release Process
As release manager, I will continue to produce release candidates every
week or two (depending on bug fix volumes). Once there's a general
consensus that we're nearly there, I will call a vote to make a particular
release candidate the final release. If this vote passes, we'll release
that version as 3.0-FINAL. If not, we'll vote again on a later release


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