At 08:33 11.04.2007, Rainer Klute wrote:
>Rajeshwar Mothe schrieb:
>> i want to create a empty word document how i need to create
>> please send me any code

Hi Rajeshwar,

you can't do it with HWPF. You need to create a document in Word and use it
as a "template".

>This should be explained in the docs. If it isn't, it would be good if
>someone "in the know" would write up something useful. However, if there
>is documentation already, you should just read it. If the documentation
>cannot be understood easily, it is broken and must be fixed.
>(Personally, I don't know anything about HWPF, don't have any need to
>learn about it and have not looked for or even into any HWPF documentation.)

Hi Rainer (Klute),

as far as I could see at a first glance, there is no specific information,
that Word files cannot be created out of nothing with HWPF. Do you think
that it should be mentioned somewhere? (Its definitely not useful to list
all the things which do not work, but it looks like this question is raised
every now and then. If it should be mentioned somewhere, it might be worthy
to put it into the "Quick Guide"...)
(Hope I did not miss a place where something is written about it :-) )

Best wishes,
Rainer (Schwarze)

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