Theoretically col and row records can appear anywhere in that section out of order (but don't when coming from excel). You have to either write them in some kind of better format to disk -- such as a temporary db file -- and then read that (to avoid storing it all in memory) in a guaranteed sort... or keep it in memory in a map/list structure of some sort. Which gets you back into the memory problem. XLS format BLOWS!


Levi Strope wrote:
I'm trying to read in an XLS and output the contents of each row exactly
as they are read in by the file.
I have to do this with the evenusermodel because of memory limitations,
however it is proving to be very difficult.
In short, my problem is I need to keep track of how many columns there
are in a row, so that I can start a new line for the next row of data.
All I am doing is outputting this to the console.  If I use getLastCol()
it returns the correct number, BUT if the row has 1 less records there
is no way for me to tell it to go to the next row and my ouput of the
next row bleeds into the prior row.
Here is my output: run:
SHID; Carrier; Origin City; Origin County; Origin State; Origin Zip;
Destination City; Destination County; Destination State;
2267.0; ADTS; IL; 600; MI;
2267.0; ADTS; IL; 600; MI;
2267.0; ADTS; IL; 600; 2267.0; ADTS; IL; 600; MI;
2267.0; ADTS; IL; 600; MI;
2267.0; ADTS; IL; 600; MI;
********** Finished Processing File ***********

As you can see, the 3rd row is longer than the rest.  The third row does
not contain information in the last column, and so the next row starts
there when it should be on a new line.  This would seem simple to
overcome but I'm finding it difficult to do so within the
I am not asking for anyone to give me code. If anyone has ideas on how
I could get around this I would love to hear them.
Here is my code: [BEGIN CODE]
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.*;
 * @author lstrope
public class PoiXLStest implements HSSFListener {
    private SSTRecord sstrec;
    int rowRecLen[] = new int[RowRecord.MAX_ROW_NUMBER];
    int rowNum = 0;
public PoiXLStest()
public PoiXLStest(InputStream in) { PoiXLStest noargs = new PoiXLStest();
        HSSFRequest req = new HSSFRequest();
        req.addListener(noargs, SSTRecord.sid);
        req.addListener(noargs, LabelSSTRecord.sid);
        req.addListener(noargs, RowRecord.sid);
        req.addListener(noargs, NumberRecord.sid);
        HSSFEventFactory factory = new HSSFEventFactory();
try{ factory.processEvents(req, in); }
        catch(IOException E){
            System.out.println("Problem in constructor");
public void processRecord(Record record) {
        short sidVal;
        sidVal = record.getSid();
if(sidVal == RowRecord.sid){
            RowRecord rowRec = (RowRecord) record;
            rowRecLen[rowRec.getRowNumber()] = rowRec.getLastCol();  //
Setting array to hold the row at it's physical position with its Column
if(sidVal == SSTRecord.sid){
            sstrec = (SSTRecord) record;
if(sidVal == LabelSSTRecord.sid){
            LabelSSTRecord lrec = (LabelSSTRecord) record;
            if(lrec.getColumn() < (rowRecLen[lrec.getRow()] - 1)){
//using array to determine the max columns for comparison
                System.out.print(sstrec.getString(lrec.getSSTIndex()) +
"; ");
                System.out.print(sstrec.getString(lrec.getSSTIndex()) +
";\n");  //if it is the last column start a new line.
} if(sidVal == NumberRecord.sid){
            NumberRecord nrec = (NumberRecord) record;
            if(nrec.getColumn() < rowRecLen[nrec.getRow()] -1){
                System.out.print(nrec.getValue() + "; ");
                System.out.print(nrec.getValue() + ";\n");
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,
{ POIFSFileSystem wbook = new POIFSFileSystem(new
        InputStream docIn = wbook.createDocumentInputStream("Workbook");
//if the file has a 'read only recommendation' this will fail.
        PoiXLStest start = new PoiXLStest(docIn);
docIn.close(); System.out.println("\n********** Finished Processing File
} } [END CODE]


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