On Tue, 24 Apr 2007, Joerg Hohwiller wrote:

Thanks, I've updated that

BTW: I assume that we are just talking about maven2 here and NOT about maven1.

Since that seems to be the version most people use, I guess so. As I said, I'm not a maven user myself, and I normally end up with a headache whenever I try and learn....

Since you have 3 artifacts (jar-files): poi, poi-contrib, poi-scratchpad you will need 3 individual pom.xml files. The poi-contrib and poi-scratchpad also need dependencies. Further you could think about creating an additional pom file to keep the parent metadata (licnese, scm, issueManagement, etc.) out of the other pom's and avoid redundancies. But since you named the main artifact "poi" and not e.g. "poi-core" this might not fit here.

I don't think it'd be too hard to have the ant build file spit out three poms from the same template. That would also save us the faff of deciding what needs to get split into a parent pom, what doesn't etc.

For contrib and scratchpad, I guess we want to call the output pom something like poi-scratchpad-3.0-final.pom. Is the artificatId then poi-scratchpad? Is the dependency groupId=org.apache.poi, artificatId=poi, and version=(same version) ?

If you want I could create the three POM files for you and attach them to the bugzilla issue.

If it's just the scratchpad and contrib poms that need updating (the main one now being fine), could you do a version for one of them? I can then work it into the ant build file.


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