
I am using poi-3.0-alpha3. I generate a Excel file with Cocoon/Poi HSSF Serializer, obtaining the inputstream that I want to
modify inserting the image and obtain this file with the image.

In the code I have the following:

           hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(inputstream);
           HSSFSheet s = hssfworkbook.getSheetAt(0);
           HSSFPatriarch patriarch = s.createDrawingPatriarch();
patriarch.createPicture(anchor, loadPicture("/tmp/images/image.png", hssfworkbook ));
private static int loadPicture( String path, HSSFWorkbook wb ) throws IOException{
       FileInputStream fis = null;
       ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
       int pictureIndex = 0;
           fis = new FileInputStream( path);
           bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
           int c;
           while ( (c = fis.read()) != -1) bos.write( c );
pictureIndex = wb.addPicture( bos.toByteArray(), HSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG);
       } finally{
           if (fis != null)
           if (bos != null)
       return pictureIndex;

The file obtained can't be open. How can I modify the file obtained of HSSFSerializer in bytes, inserting a image or Is there other form of implement this insertion using xml tags, to be serialized after with HSSFSerializer?.

Thanks in advance.

Iris Soto.

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