Hi All

As many of you will know, we put in a proposal to the ASF board, for POI
to graduate from Jakarta, to its own TLP. This has now been accepted, so
Apache POI is now the newest Apache top level project.

What does this mean for:

Users - In the not too distant future, the site hosting the website and
  lists will be changing, probably to poi.apache.org. Announcements on
  this will follow once everything has been set up.
 You won't need to do anything, as list memberships will migrated, and
  redirects will be placed on the website.
 Also, the project name will be changing from Apache Jakarta POI to just
  Apache POI.

Contributors - It will now be easier for us to offer commit access to
 people who contribute good patches (with testcases!). So, please do keep
 the contributions coming in.

Developers - There will probably be slight tweaks to things like svn
  paths, and we'll need to make a few small changes to the site. Please
  let me know if you've got some time to help with any of that.
 Also, once we've got the new site up, we'll want to release 3.0.1 as our
  first Apache POI release.

(New chair of Apache POI)

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Mailing List:     http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail2.html#poi
The Apache Jakarta Poi Project:  http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/

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