-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Jacek Gancarczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: den 20 februari 1999 19:12
Ämne: She is in love with you, by Suzie Quatro

>She is in love with you,
>That what she wants to do,
>she'll never let you down,
>she never fool around.
>She is in love with you
>So if you see her walk alone one night
>- walk up to her and sweetly whishper "why?"
>And if she replies with words which dont make sense,
>may be just because you shy,
>- Don't take advantage of  lark or a spanner(?)
>because you think you could.
>Treat her right, treat her good ,
>take her home
>and make her feel
>the way she should.
>She is in love with you,
>that what she wants to do,
>she'll never let you go,
>she may not let you know..
>but she is in love with you
>So if you have to be out
>and someone ask you where you gonna go
>-Just remember she is not like the other girls
>-she may not want them of that know.
>She may need a little time,
>she never wants to spend the lime(?), the way they would
>so treat her nice, treat her good,
>treat her like you know you should
>you may never find enother girl like her
>Dalej nie moglem zrozumiec...Moze ktos moglby pomoc
>jesli bym przeslal fragmencik w MP3?
>Jacek Gancarczyk

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