One more thing, Jon... You're right that in the policyd DB that the 
various quota fields are of the type "unsigned integer," and the C code 
also seems to specify unsigned int (I'm looking at the 1.9X beta code -- 
however, I'm running 1.82 in production), so unless there's something 
else, I'm not sure without digging into the code in detail why the max. 
unsigned integer value of around 4200000000 shouldn't work, but in 1.82 
at least it seems to not -- if you put in a big value in policyd.conf, 
like 4200000000, it reports for a connection in the log:


even if I also specifically change the _quota_max entry in the throttle 
table to be 4200000000.  So, I'm not sure what exactly is going on.


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