sorry I forgot to tell you that I'm using version 0.1.12-beta-4 of 



Am Sonntag, 15. Januar 2006 18:45 schrieb Thomas Krieger:
> Hallo,
> yesterday a mail was rejected by policyd-weight because of the
> client_seems_dialup test fires. The ip was Considering
> whois I don't think that's a dynamic ip. Lokking into the source of
> policyd-weight shows me that the test fired because the reverse lookup of
> the mentioned ip was The "rev" was the
> problem.
> I think the behaviour ist not quite ok so I decided to reduce the score
> from 3.75 to 1.75. On the other hand I could remove "rev" from the test's
> regular expression checking the reverse string.
> Has had anyone else problems with this test? And what solution you decided
> to do?
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas

Big M, Little M, many mumbling mice Are making midnight music in the 
moonlight, Mighty nice!

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