Heute (22.08.2006/19:37 Uhr) schrieb Robert Felber,

> On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 06:22:35PM +0200, Jim Knuth wrote:
>> Updated. ;) devel-26 works nice. I look permanently after
>> mistakes. Not found. Good work.

> Have an eye on spamcop listings. I know that spamcop is questionable, sort of,
> but it is also too usefull :-/

> # bzgrep " IN_SPAMC" /var/log/mail/maillog* | wc -l
>     572

> Note, spamcop comes at the very last. So hits like "in too many DNSBLs" are
> _not_ counted. Spamhaus comes at seconds and results in:

> # bzgrep " IN_SBL" /var/log/mail/maillog* | wc -l
>     1023

> Which means that we (or I) rely heavily on spamcop. For now it *is* hard to 
> find
> a satisfactory way to make use of spamcop without permitting to much spam or
> have too obvious false positives.

bzgrep " IN_SPAMC" /var/log/mail.log* | wc -l
bzgrep " IN_SBL" /var/log/mail.log* | wc -l

Viele Gruesse, Kind regards,
 Jim Knuth
 ICQ #277289867
Das Geheimnis des Erfolges liegt in der Ehrlichkeit. Wenn 
es einem gelingt, diese vorzutäuschen hat man es 
geschafft!(Arthur Bloch)
Der Text hat nichts mit dem Empfaenger der Mail zu tun
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