
while reading through my logfiles I found this:

Oct 22 05:51:41 mail postfix/smtpd[10412]: warning: hostname 
        tm.net.my verification failed: Name or service not known
Oct 22 05:51:41 mail postfix/smtpd[10412]: connect from unknown[]
Oct 22 05:51:57 mail postfix/policyd-weight[20658]: weighted check:  
        IX_MANITU=ERR CL_IP_NE_HELO=1.5 REV_IP_EQ_HELO=-1.25 (check from: 
        .verbe. - helo: .tm.net.)  FROM_MATCHES_NOT_UNVR_HELO=1.6 
        <client=> <helo=tm.net.my> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, rate: -2.65

For postfix it's a unknown host, but for policyd-weight it is not.

As far as I understand it, postfix does a forward lookup on the sender IP 
and a reverse lookup on the result. If they match, everything is fine. If 
not, hostname verification fails. Is that right?

policyd-weight seems to use just the reverse lookup on the IP for its 
helo-checks. Wouldn't it be better to do it the postfix way?

Btw, I seem to get IX_MANITU=ERR very often. Is that "normal" for that zone?
Or does IX_MANITU=ERR mean NOT_IN_IX_MANITU (which I've never seen)?


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