Am Dienstag, 14. November 2006 15:12 schrieb Robert Felber:

> You could set $DEBUG = 1;
> In your logs you should then see a line like:
> warning: rbl_lookup: timeout: nask1.2.3.4 or similar
> If my timeout implentation does not work on your box then this should
> be the last line of that policyd-weight PID. It should then hang around
> forever, without logging.

This is only a last resort for me - this would mean ~3.000.000+ lines of 
logfiles each day, and we donĀ“t know when the error occurs again.

> A quickfix would be to say $USE_NET_DNS = 1; in the config file.

I will try that, thanks.

Is the assumption that $MAX_PROC should match maximum number of smtpd 
processes correct?


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