On Wed, 27 Jun 2007, Robert Felber wrote:


the IX Manitu RBL was suffering a DDoS (like other RBLs).
I don't know whether this is still ongoing, however: they have changed the
software for providing the RBL service which should make them able to serve
far more requests than with the old setup.

This RBL a) serves again and b) doesn't require a subscription (due to the
DDoS) anymore.

   Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
   Munich, Germany

Policyd-weight Mailinglist - http://www.policyd-weight.org/


Do you have any plans to increase or allow an option in which if a hostname is listed in X number of R[H]SBLS then it will be rejected immediately? Currenlty this option is only available for RBLs.


Policyd-weight Mailinglist - http://www.policyd-weight.org/

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