On Mon, Oct 01, 2007 at 11:47:50AM +0100, Riaan Kok wrote:
> Fair enough, about default intentions, but the default operation of
> policyd-weight does not adhere to this.  As low scores are more likely to be
> good and high scores are more likely to be bad, most of your false positives
> will sit in the score range just above the REJECTLEVEL..  And by default,
> everything above REJECTLEVEL and below DEFER_LEVEL gets deferred

Not everything but clients whose log-line match DEFER_STRING. Which is SPAMCOP
(a temporarily issue) and BOGUS_MX (a testing safety).

>, 4xx'ed,
> and not rejected, 5xx'ed.  So, policyd-weight already defers most of the
> problematic FP mails, and that sounds like exactly the kind of thing you
> prefer to avoid.
> Riaan

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

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