we've reinstalled our server recently and since then we've got the following 
error: (in mail.log)

postfix/policyd-weight[22860]: warning: cache: err: cache: chdir 
/tmp/.policyd-weight/: No such file or directory at /usr/local/bin/policyd-weight 
line 2938, <STDIN> line 24.
postfix/policyd-weight[22859]: warning: cache_query: $csock couln't be created: 
connect: No such file or directory, calling spawn_cache()

Can someone please give some advice how to resolve the problem?

I've checked the directory /tmp/.policyd-weight/: it's existing, but it's empty.

We first used the debian package and then updated it with the actual 0.1.14 beta-15 one. All locations are like in Setup HOWTO...
Thank's alot!!!



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