I prefer not to use the winsock pollfd strict since polipo does not use the
corresponding and broken WSApoll. I pulled in Windows Vista to get some
IPv6 functionality. Maybe it was for getaddrinfo. I will look at it
tonight, clean up some of the unlink code in diskcache and post a full diff.

On Jan 22, 2016 9:23 AM, "Gisle Vanem" <gva...@yahoo.no> wrote:

> Gabriel Klyber wrote:
> > These modifications require Windows Vista or newer. I am not sure how
> > early you need to define WINVER, but in my environment, mingw.h was
> > too late.
> I'm not sure if your patch would pull in some Vista+ exports
> from ws2_32.dll? Making it impossible to run Polipo on Win-XP.
> But to just use 'struct pollfd', one can do:
>   struct win32_pollfd {
>      SOCKET fd;        /* file descriptor */
>      short events;     /* requested events */
>      short revents;    /* returned events */
>  };
>  #define pollfd               win32_pollfd
>  #define poll(x, y, z)        win32_poll(x, y, z)
> I'm not sure it's a god idea to *require* a specific WINVER
> to build Polipo (default here in my SDK 8.1 is 0x0501).
> There is AFAICS nothing in Polipo that needs anything more advanced
> than is already in Win-XP (0x0501).
> --gv
> --
> --gv
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