
From: "CEC Services, LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Regarding Montgomery Griffith-Mair, Hot Springs AR
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 10:47:20 -0600
Organization: © Copyright 2004, CE
 C Services, LLC  All
 rights reserved.

At archbishops.org/ansinewswire.html, Montgomery Griffith-Mair AKA Father Monty
and Father Monkey wrote:

"Politech Digest Reports In its Vol. 12. Issue 2, yesterday, that (The Rt.
Rev'd Montgomery Griffith-Mair) was effectively gaggedby Arkansas Judge Homer
Wright by some kind of injuction,after the same team of plaintiffs (Prentice,
James, et al)had sued Griffith-Mair for criticizing them (Garland County
Circuit No. CV-2003-515-I), and won. Griffith-Mair, known for his thriftyness,
may have hurt himself badly in this case by defending himself pro se instead of
retaining counsel. Having the case decided by twelve mostly unsophisticated and
non-Internet-using jurors, instead of by a bench trial,may have also hurt."

The message quoted above, allegedly to politech-digest, is a complete
misrepresentation of the facts. (For details of what really happened and links
see http://www.geocities.com/ococprm/monty.htm .)

Griffith-Mair is not a US citizen, although residing on visa status here, and
publishes anti-American propaganda at archbishops.org and at fathermonty.org.

Griffith-Mair claims to have no church but claims to operate a "youth mission"
which also does not exist.

Griffith-Mair is a convicted criminal of three misdemeanors, including assault
and trespassing, in the State of Mississippi for which he is on probation.

Griffith-Mair was arrested in October 2001 for the rape and beating of a
20-year old mental patinent. That case was null prossed because the victim by
his testimony would have admitted he engaged in consensual homosexual acts with
Griffith-Mair before being badly beaten with a paddle which was recovered as
evidence in the alleged crime.

In April 2004 Griffith-Mair as Defendant lost a defamation suit brought by two
Churches against him for defamatory material at archbisops.org and
fathermonty.org. The jury, which Griffith-Mair demanded and wrote before the
trial that he wanted to be "all Black", ordered a $30,000.00 judgement for
punitive damages against the Defendant. An injuctive order prohibiting
Griffith-Mair from publishing anything about the Plaintiffs on the internet is
due to be entered shortly by the Judge. In the meantime, Griffith-Mair
continues to his defamatory attacks on the internet and wrote on August 11,
2004 that he intends to continue publishing after the injuction is entered by
way of making his websites password protected and by subscription. Needless to
say, if that happens the Judge will see through that ruse and find
Griffith-Mair in contempt of court.

Please be advised that any messages published by Griffith-Mair here after this
date here may be subject to an injuctive order.

Thank you.

Colin James III (The Most Rev'd)
Victor Prentice (Metropolitan)
The Continuing Episcopal Church
The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, Inc.
(719)210 9534

August 11, 2004

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