Pelosi backs challenge to Hoyer 
The incoming speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives backed a challenge to 
one of Congress’ most pro-Israel lawmakers. 
Now that Democrats have won the House in last week’s elections and Rep. Nancy 
Pelosi (D-Calif.) is set to ascend to the speaker’s chair, Rep. Steny Hoyer 
(D-Md.), currently the minority whip, is running for majority leader. 
  Challenging Hoyer is Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), who has led anti-Iraq war 
initiatives in Congress. 
  In an unusual endorsement, Pelosi lent her support over the weekend to 
Murtha, who has been loyal in her past internal races against Hoyer. 
  Pelosi also favors Murtha because she wants to make Iraq war reforms a 
centerpiece of the next congressional session. 
  Hoyer is considered one of Israel’s best friends in Congress, isolating 
Democrats within his party who have been critical of the Jewish state and 
leading numerous congressional missions to the region. 
  Murtha also is a social conservative, and Hoyer has the backing of many 
liberals in the party.
  See also:
  "Hoyer strives to keep Jewish vote for Dems
by Hans Nichols
The Hill 
  December 10, 2003 
  House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-Md.) speech Monday to the American 
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will cap a yearlong strategy aimed at 
preventing an exodus of Jewish voters from Democratic ranks.
  In response to renewed Republican efforts to capture Jewish voters and donors 
from the Democrats’ traditional base, Hoyer has implemented a multiprong plan 
to make support for Israel a touchstone of Democratic policy, say lawmakers, 
aides and party operatives.
  In addition to leading a 29-member congressional delegation to Israel last 
August, Hoyer has urged non-Jewish Democrats to voice support for Israel. At 
the same time, he has sought to dissuade lawmakers — mostly members of the 
Congressional Black Caucus — from casting “protest votes” on nonbinding, but 
nevertheless highly symbolic votes critical of Israel.
Hoyer, along with many Democrats, privately worried that last December’s House 
vote on solidarity with Israel in the fight against terrorism — along with 
President Bush’s vocal support for Israel — might trigger a realignment of 
Jewish voting loyalties.
  In that roll call, 17 Democrats voted no and 26 abstained, while only four 
Republican lawmakers voted no and only two abstained."
see also:
  "U.S. Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) to Address Greater Washington Jewish 
Community About Recent Congressional Trip to Israel and Other Domestic and 
World Events That Impact the U.S. Jewish Community
  The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, the Jewish Community Council of 
Greater Washington and Congregation B'nai Tzedek are sponsoring a program with 
U.S. Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) who will discuss "America's Enduring 
Commitment to Israel" on Sunday, November 9, 2003, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m., at 
Congregation B'nai Tzedek, 10621 S. Glen Rd., Potomac, MD. RSVP by November 6 
to Carole Hardtla at (301) 299-0225, ext. 301."
  "Jewish groups have also established strong ties with Rep. Steny Hoyer 
(D-Md.), the frontrunner for majority leader, and Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), a 
Jewish lawmaker who led the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and is 
now considered a shoo-in for a leadership position. 
  Hoyer is close to Howard Friedman, the Baltimore-based president of the 
American Israel Public Affairs Committee and is considered one of Israel’s best 
and most influential friends on Capitol Hill. 
  Hoyer makes it a point to educate freshmen lawmakers about Israel issues and 
he has led delegations to the Jewish state multiple times. He prides himself on 
making Israel a bipartisan issue, vetting proposed legislation with his GOP 
counterpart, Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri. "

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