-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [911InsideJobbers] Re: new fetzer/wood response to jones on 
pianos etc
Date:   Fri, 24 Nov 2006 20:10:12 -0000
From:   Lynn Ertell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A primer on the standards of classical scientific method;  as contrasted with 
the methods 
of its principle antagonists.

This is what real education looks and feels like.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Total Information" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On grand pianos and terminal velocities
> by James H. Fetzer with Judy Wood and Anonymous Scholar
> 22 November 2006
> http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/GrandPiano.html
> Steve reports here that a "poll" taken on the Scholar's forum showed 60%
> favored a web site run by a 5-person committee, 32% favored voting on what
> appears by all members, and 8% favored the current arrangement, where I
> manage the site with advice from the steering committee. This result might
> be a bit more impressive if he had observed that only 25 out of some 400
> members of the society cast votes, each weighing in at 4%.
> Posting by a committee is guaranteed to produce mediocre and uninteresting
> posts. Only the most widely accepted views are going to be represented.
> Votes by the whole society would be absurd. It would take forever to secure
> a quorum, for example, and most of those that eventually appear would be out
> of date by the time they were put up on the web site. Based upon my
> experience, the ideas under consideration have little merit.
> Steve does not mention that I advanced a proposal to resolve tensions within
> the society just yesterday, which, I suggest, are more deserving of being
> taken seriously. They are these:
> . . . . . . .
> All,
> Here are my proposals, which I invite all of you to consider:
> (1) Steve and Kevin will strengthen the editorial board of the society's
> journal by adding up to a dozen highly-qualified hard science types,
> possibly drawn from the membership of SPINE;
> (2) The editors will be more even-handed in processing papers that represent
> non-standard points of view, where there is some evidence of partiality to
> positions preferred by the editors;
> (3) The web site will be overhauled to clearly demarcated be- tween proof
> that the official account is wrong and attempts to explain how it was done,
> which is overwhelmingly more difficult;
> (4) The founder will make an effort to emphasize problems with the official
> account and be very careful in his discussions of the state of research to
> not create false impressions thereof.
> (5) All parties will cease and desist from attacks upon each other, where
> objective discussion of the merits of different theories about the case
> should be done in a respectful manner.
> We need resources to overhaul the web site, which may require some time and
> effort. Suggestions are welcome. Perhaps we can recruit professionals who
> will assist us in doing this. I will be glad to undertake the supervision of
> the project with advice from a new set of co-chairs or the steering
> committee. Perhaps this list would be willing to serve as that committee.
> Jim
> P.S. Steve and I have been invited to appear together at The
> National Press Club on Wednesday, 10 January 2007. I
> suggest we both accept the invitation and do our thing.
> . . . . . . .
> I have accepted the invitation to speak at The National Press Club, and I
> hope that Steve will as well. We could focus on what happened to the World
> Trade Center and discuss some of our differences in point of view. For
> example, after studying Judy's work, I am convinced that the problem we
> confront in explaining what happened is vastly greater than just what
> happened to WTC-1 and WCT-2, even if we toss in WTC-7! That still leaves out
> WTC-3, WTC-4, WTC-5, and WTC-6! Take a look at Judy's photographs and
> diagrams. It will blow you away!
> Moreover, thermate increasingly appears to be an inadequate cause of the
> devastation of the complete World Trade Center. EVEN IF IT WERE GOOD AS GOLD
> REGARDING WTC-1 AND WTC-2, we would still be left with a monumental task in
> explaining the devastation to WTC-3, WTC-4, WTC-5, and WTC-6, which, to the
> best of my knowledge, Steven Jones has never addressed. His evidence of the
> use of thermate also seems to be undermined by the discovery that thermate
> appears to have been used to bring down what little remained after the
> towers went "poof"! But if that is the case, then its presence is
> explainable on grounds other than its use to destroy the Twin Towers and it
> too, as a framework for explaining the evidence, goes "poof"!
> Now it is certainly true that I used the figure of 30 seconds to
> characterize the time of free fall for a piano from atop a 110 story
> building. Steve has made a great to-do over this, posting his own
> calculations that the correct time for such an event should have been 11
> seconds! (I was actually citing HIS OWN NUMBER in this response!) Judy Wood,
> however, has discovered that Steve made a mistake in his calculations and
> the correct time, given his assumptions, should have been 12.54 seconds.
> That is fascinating, because Judy had told me a long time ago that her best
> guess ABSENT CALCULATIONS would be between 12 and 13 seconds, which is
> exactly right on the basis of Steve's assumptions!
> Moreover, Steve biased his argument by using a "baby grand" of abnormal
> weight rather than a Steinway. This is rather troubling. We usually argue on
> the basis of premises that are fair to both sides. Even when he "loaded the
> piano", however, HE STILL GOT IT WRONG! Indeed, given the variables that are
> involved, if we consider a 500 pound piano with its lid flapping open, it
> could have taken as long as 30 seconds! So even though I used a figure a
> friend of Judy had offered, as she had told me at the time, it is correct to
> say that a piano in free fall could take as long as 30 seconds to make the
> fall from the top of a 110 story building to the ground!
> The benefits of mathematics in argument are thereby again displayed. This
> demonstrates that even experts in a field such as physics can get things
> wrong. Steve has put a lot of eggs in this basket, which turns out to have
> been built on a blunder. (I offer Judy Wood's calculations below and
> Anonymous Scholar's display of the argument. They do good work.) Why Steve
> should be persisting in all of this after I have offered a proposal for
> resolution is a question that ought to be directed to him at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I understand that a new web page design is being
> proposed by an expert in that field, which I look forward to reviewing.
> Perhaps all of this will have a happy ending, after all!
> Jim
> ___________________________________________________________
> Jim,
> I went through the piano calculations, inside and out. I think I figured out
> how that bogus number was calculated, but it's easier to show that his
> values are physically impossible.
> Conclusion:
> Steven Jones has committed a blunder, "big time"!
> * If he checked these calculations, he's responsible for them!
> (I never said I checked the ones my friend gave me.)
> I will use these numbers instead of the ones posted on 911blogger.
> These values are less embarrassing to Jones.
> http://www.Scholarsfor911Truth.org/JonesResponse.html<http://
> __________________________________
> 1. You start out with the grand piano falling in over 30 seconds, from the
> height of a Tower. This is wrong. I teach the physics of air drag forces and
> concomitant terminal velocity -- and the terminal velocity depends very much
> on the mass (or weight/g) of the object.
> Ask Judy to provide her calculation in writing, showing the area she has
> assumed and the mass, the density of air and the terminal velocity she
> calculates. Then let me or an independent physicist if you wish check this
> for you.
> Consider a small parachute the size/area of a grand piano, with a man on it.
> He would fall quite fast. Now replace his mass with that of a grand piano
> (but in a ball of say lead). Surely you have enough horse-sense to see that
> the latter case will fall MUCH faster. And that's what the equations say
> also. A parachute the size of a grand piano acting on a large mass just
> doesn't slow it much. But let her show her calculations!!
> Added: As Alfons showed on the Forum, the terminal velocity can be
> calculated with the help of a NASA web-site:
> http://exploration.grc.nasa.gov/education/rocket/termvr.html . Alfons used a
> Yamaha grand piano, o Length: 161cm (5'3") o Width: 149cm - o Height: 101cm
> o Weight: 628 pounds (m = 285kg) The drag coefficient depends on the
> attitude of the piano to the velocity vector as it falls; we take a
> maximum-drag orientation and therefore take a large drag coeff;
> Mass = 285 kg
> Cross Section = 2.3989 sq. meters
> Drag Coefficient = 1.28 (Flat Object CD = 1.28
> exploration.grc.nasa.gov/...aped.html)
> Altitude = 417 meters = 1368 ft
> Terminal Velocity = 40 m per second
> Then the total fall time is 11 seconds (+or-). Which is just about the time
> the Towers took to collapse! Your example in your Tucson talk backfires on
> you... gives ammo to those who would debunk everything you say.
> Jim, ask Judy to give you the equations, her calculations -- with numbers.
> And lets check her work.
> ____________________________________
> 1. Jones said the values were for a Yamaha grand piano. This is dishonest.
> They are not. The values he presented are for a heavy baby grand piano, not
> a grand piano (see listing of Yamaha baby grand, item #6 on list:
> http://rickjonespianos.com/grands.htm).
> 2. I entered the measurements and data he gave -- using the internet gizmo
> to calculate it. The time it gave was 12.54 seconds, not 11 seconds. (His
> version on 911blogger shows 10.5 seconds.)
> 3. Here is a simple proof to clearly illustrate he is wrong.
> Jones gives Terminal Velocity = 40 m per second
> Lets say you drop a billiard ball in a vacuum, no air resistance, so that it
> can rush up to speed as fast as possible. Then, when it reaches the speed of
> terminal velocity, it remains that speed from thereafter.
> The time it takes to get up to terminal speed:
> v = g*t, solving for t, t = 4.0775 sec.
> In that time, how much distance was covered, getting up to speed?
> Use x = (g/2)*t*t, solving for x, x = 81.549 m
> What distance remains of the entire building height, which will be at
> constant speed of terminal velocity?
> Building height - distance getting up to speed = 417 - 81.549 = 335.45 m.
> How long does it take to cover that distance at a constant speed?
> Use x = vt, solving for t, t = 8.3862
> What is the total time?
> 4.0775 + 8.3862 = 12.46374 seconds.
> 12.46374 seconds > 11 seconds (+or-)
> Or, is Jones going to play games, saying the (+or-) covers any error he has?
> Note: The time I calculated is conservative, in that I assumed a fall
> through vacuum for the first part. In reality it would take the object
> longer to get to terminal velocity due to air resistance. But hey, even then
> he's real wrong! It's impossible for an object dropped from the height of
> WTC1 to reach the ground in 11 seconds if it has a terminal velocity of 40
> m/s.
> ______________________________________
> SJ: "I teach the physics of air drag forces and concomitant terminal
> velocity..."
> JW: One might remark, It's no wonder they took him out of the classroom!
> SJ: "It really concerns me that you are being so easily led by the nose my
> friend by these ideas of Judy's or whoever. Ask for numbers, calculations.
> Insist on these so you can do some checking before you go telling people
> that a grand piano takes 21 seconds over the time of the tower's fall. What
> a bunch of obvious garbage, Jim. You're going to be laughed at by anyone who
> knows how to calculate terminal velocity, which is mass-dependent!"
> JW: I believe Jones said he checked these numbers and he had two of his
> forum friends (Frank Legge and Alfohs) check them, too.
> This makes them all look silly. I never said I had checked those numbers. I
> was only relaying what someone else said. By the way, it is possible to have
> a grand piano take 30 seconds to drop. You may need to lower the weight to
> 500 pounds and flop the lid open to increase drag. So it's physically
> possible!
> Judy
> __________________________________________________________________
> http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/grand_piano.pdf
> -- 
> www.total411.info
> www.total911.info

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