why target the DAUGHTERS?  heh.  are they higher in the chain of command than 
dumbya himself?  or is it personal?  -vmann

US Presidents Daughter Saved In Assassination Attempt As Turmoil Surrounds 
Regime Leaders 

A series of attacks by Coup Forces have sought to destabilize the rouge regime 
currently in power. In the latest attack, according to these reports, the 
American Presidents daughter, Barbara Bush, upon returning from Paraguay where 
she is overseeing the Bush Families Massive Compound, which we have previously 
reported on in our October 15 report titled "US President Bush Makes Massive 
Land Purchase In Paraguay Ahead Of Expected War Crimes Charges", survived an 
attempt on her life after being targeted by an assassin while entering her 
hotel in the Argentina capitol of Buenos Aires. Reports from FSB sources in 
Argentina describe a scene of 'chaos' as one of the First Daughters Secret 
Service body guard detachment was wounded by the bullets meant for the young 
woman, and upon fleeing the scene with her protectors abandoned her personal 
luggage which could be seen lying in the blood stained sidewalk in front of the 

<<attachment: barbarabush.jpg>>

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