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Subject: [911InsideJobbers] 'Star Wars' microwave weapon used at Shanksville?
Date:   Thu, 30 Nov 2006 02:59:47 -0500
From:   Total Information <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

'Star Wars' microwave weapon used at Shanksville?
< http://www.total911.info/2006/11/star-wars-microwave-weapon-used-at.html <http://www.total911.info/2006/11/star-wars-microwave-weapon-used-at.html> >

[ http://z10.invisionfree.com/Loose_Change_Forum/index.php?showtopic=783&st=0 <http://z10.invisionfree.com/Loose_Change_Forum/index.php?showtopic=783&st=0> ]

Found as posted by Terrorcell to /Loose Change Forum/ Nov 14 2006 <http://z10.invisionfree.com/Loose_Change_Forum/index.php?showtopic=783>:

   "Now that I see someone is going to push a hypothesis about a SW
   Weapon being used at GZ, I've decided to share my personal
   conclussions from talking with residents of Shanksville throughout
   the month of September 2006 plus my research over the last couple of

   I'm not even going through the Cleveland Airport aspect because
   others have documented that well enough and there is absolutely no
   doubt in my mind that is where the real flight landed on the morning
   of 9/11/1. I even contemplated that AA11 was shot down in
   Shanksville seeing as it was tracked on radar and confirmed to have
   been airborne nearly an hour after it hit the north tower. According
   to FAA Transmissions "it was definately another plane that hit the

   First I give you Susan McIlwain
   <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-xwV-MdYUE> eyewitness decription
   of Flight "93" and the other plane in the area.

   Until I arrived in Shanksville I had believe that Flight 93 was shot
   down in order to create real dead innocent passengers and relatives
   of theirs to keep us from questioning the official story. Also, from
   the statements of residents in the area there was some sort of EMP
   or something of a similar nature which caused them to temporarily
   lose their power.

   So when the first person I met was someone who had happened to have
   arrived on the scene within 10 minutes I had quite a few questions
   for him. The first thing I asked was for him to tell me about the
   huge airliner that was in the crater but he laughed and told me
   'there was no plane in that crater'.

   The most horrifying aspect of this particular crash scene is how
   little debris is how little debris is visible.
   <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZekosYOmXc>"There's nothing there
   expect a hole in the ground." "The hole is 20-15 feet long and 10
   feet wide" - Fox News

   There was nothing there to distinguish that a commercial airliner
   has crashed there. So once again on the morning of 9/11 we have an
   event like many similar events (skyscrapers have caught on fire
   before including the WTC, airplane have crashed at full speed) and
   yet an outcome that is unlike every other event like it.

   Once again requiring you to suspend common sense and the science of

   An unexplained event is residents reporting their houses had shook
   prior to Flight 93's impact in the ground. But when you start
   looking at the fact that nothing was on fire when people arrived on
   the scene (shouldn't the fires have been real intense like at the
   WTC & Pentagon?) and houses shook before the plane hit, and
   eyewitnesses described it as a small plane or a "jet", and the loss
   of power then something else happened in Shanksville.

   Now one person I spoke with told me a high ranking military man,
   that had been a lifelong friend of his, specifically told them that
   a highly classified microwave weapon was used. He said it had taken
   him years of 'pestering' to get that out of him.

   Are people in Shanksville feeding me bullshit? I doubt it. What they
   are willing to say on camera and off camera are as different as
   night and day. What I found even stranger was that around the end of
   September there was another documentary team in Shanksville who had
   spoke and filmed many residents. I believe their documentary is
   going to be about how the event affected the residents of the
   surrounding area. But they found the same thing. You get one story
   when camera's are on (which mimics the official story) and you get a
   completely different story when the camera's are turned off (and
   every single one of them believes it involves shooting down Flight 93).

   So something happened in Shanksville for sure and it wasn't a group
   of Arabs nose diving a 757 into the ground.

   What do I believe happened?

   I believe some sort of Raytheon drone plane was incinerated in a
   weapons test using a type of weapon we have no idea about. Perhaps
   it was to show other forces in the world what we have and what we
   can do so that they would remain passive on the bullshit invasions
   of Afghanistan & Iraq along with the pending invasion of Iran. If
   you were going to start a highly agressive war for global domination
   you would want to know you could defend youself from incoming
   nuclear missile attacks from foreign powers. Zapping a little drone
   plane about the size and speed of one of those missiles would be a
   great way to find out if you were capable of doing so.

   Especially when you could use the "Let's Roll" cover story to rally
   a naive and ignorant general public behind your blood thirsty quest
   for global dominance.

Posted by Total to 911info <http://www.total911.info/2006/11/star-wars-microwave-weapon-used-at.html> at 11/29/2006 11:22:00 PM

www.total411.info <http://www.total411.info>
www.total911.info <http://www.total911.info>

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