If neoconservatism is the Zionist corruption of the republican party, what do 
we call the corruption of the democratic party, which precedes the neos? 

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
On the Delusional Quality of Neoconservatism
  It will eventually be clearly understood that everyone associated with 
neoconservatism, and with the great neocon project to make their special brand 
of omelet by breaking eggs in the Mideast, has been completely delusional, in 
precisely the same way that Nazis and Communists are now understood to have 
been delusional (that is, totally out of their f*cking minds).
  Furthermore, anyone or anything that has had any close contact with 
neoconservatives and neoconservatism will be radioactive in world politics for 
a very long time indeed.
  The neocons are responsible for the Iraq War; they are now closely allied 
with Jewish racists like Avigdor Lieberman and Christian Armageddonists like 
John Hagee.  Does  any sane person by now fail to understand that 
neoconservatism is not going to have a happy ending?


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