The Bizarre State of the 9/11 Official Story
  What we've got so far:
  1. The official story has been thoroughly demolished on the Internet and in 
an ever-expanding river of books and DVDs.  Many people all around the world 
have read the analysis and have been persuaded by the skeptics.
  2. The mainstream media are scared to death to investigate or discuss almost 
every aspect of 9/11, for fear that the official story will collapse at 
freefall speed into a cloud of dust.  Any effort to delve into the most basic 
facts of 9/11 is met with shrieks of "conspiracy theorists"!  About one of the 
most significant events in American history, there continues to be a gaping 
hole that under normal circumstances would be filled with detailed journalistic 
and historical research.
  3. The defenders of the official story obviously themselves don't believe the 
story -- otherwise they wouldn't be going to such extraordinary lengths to try 
to obstruct an honest investigation into 9/11 and its background and 
circumstances.  If they really believed the story, they would be in the 
forefront of getting all the facts out and all the unanswered questions 
answered.  They would be seizing the opportunity to humiliate the skeptics with 
the truth.  But this they can't do -- the facts do not support them or the 
official story.
  4. So what we've got, apparently, right in front of our noses, baldly staring 
us in the face, is the most badly bungled false flag op in world history, with 
the conspirators hanging on for dear life and hoping that with sufficient 
stonewalling the questions will simply go away.  But already a large number of 
highly placed government officials and academics have weighed in on the side of 
the skeptics, so the questions are not going to go away, not ever.

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