You wrote:

>>If a aluminium cylinder filled will gas and people can punch a hole through 3 
>>reinforced concrete walls
why would the Pentagon need to develop bunker busters<<

Your logic displays the common logical fallacy known as a non sequitur. What do 
aluminum cyllinders carrying thousands of gallons of jet fuel smashing at over 
600 mph and smashing into a ground-level building have to do with bunker 
busters, designed for deep earth penetration?

With your logic, why would a small piece of lead fired from a weapon put a hole 
in anything?

And sad to say, your lack of logical analysis doesn't entitle me to any of your 
juvennile accusations. The differences in our credibility is visible to all.  

Ben Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  ya
thats what I figured
If someone gets to this point in life
and sees invisable airplanes
there is no hope for them
There was no airplabe that hit the pentagon
thats a fact albert
and you and the invisible thousands are either fools , or liars or agents of 
the NWO
every shred of evidence PROVES no plane hit 
so take your pick Al   fool. liar or NWO stooge
at any rate
nothing you say has any credibility
and is a waste of time
you are useless
my final proof
If a aluminium cylinder filled will gas and people can punch a hole through 3 
reinforced concrete walls
why would the Pentagon need to develop bunker busters
you are an idiot

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                             As you seem unable to follow the logic of the 
conversation, the EVENT I referred to was the plane hitting the pent-a-gone.  
You seem to think that if you didn't see it on CBS, it didn't happen.  

Using your logic, I can assume that you would argue that no plane crashed at 
Lockerbie, either.  

Your logic points up the significance of the impact of the lack of news 
coverage in the US.

Ben Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                             What event?
another propagandist
telling lies
What event was seen by  thousands???

and if there were thousands,  why is the videos kept locked away?
Thousands were mind controlled
and you are a liar 

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                             You seem to miss the obvious fact that the 
pentagon is located at the intersection of a number of very busy highways -- a 
traffic mess called the 'mixing bowl' in the DC area -- and that thousands of 
people saw the event.

John Stroebel  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From another poster, this was included in several links
 It is the report by CNN the afternoon  of Sept 11, 2001.
 This was shown ONCE, then PULLED by CNN.
 See it  yourself. For you Bush 911 Report supporters, watch it and THEN call 
the doubters "conspiracy theorists"

"... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably  the 
same Object, evinces a design to reduce them  under absolute Despotism, it is 
their right, it is their duty, to throw off  such Government, and to provide 
new Guards for their future security." 
***U.S. Declaration of Independence*** 

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