Their answer is Los Alamos 911"Truth" -- another false flag op turning 
former 911 conspirators into "Truth Heroes" as they remineralize the 
strawman official story with their own brand of lies that glorifies 
them, and eventually puts the Los Alamos gang into a position of open power.
My first example is Bob "Star Wars" Bowman running for president.
Then "Keymaster" Willie Rodgrigues, a former stage magician that had all 
the keys to the building, perfect for staging the hoillywood special 
effects that would pass for "plane damage" and "demolition squibs"

Sean McBride wrote:
> The Ever-Shrinking Limits of Permissible Discussion about 9/11
> In a way, there is something hilarious about the gyrations of the 
> neocon-controlled mainstream media in trying to obstruct all 
> meaningful research into and discussion about 9/11.
> Consider: with regard to WTC7, we've gone from efforts to squelch 
> discussion about the conspiracy angle on WTC7, to efforts to bury 
> discussion about the objective material facts about WTC7 without 
> regard to any conspiracy interpretations, to, finally (and 
> predictably), efforts to censor entirely any mentions of the term 
> "WTC7."  With regard to the Rosie O'Donnell controversy, notice how 
> quickly the mainstream media tried to change the subject away from 
> WTC7 -- in fact, they are doing everything in their power to wipe the 
> term "WTC7" from public consciousness and from the public record.  
> "WTC7" has become a verboten word.
> Now, is this the behavior of parties that believe that truth is on 
> their side?  No, it is consistent with parties that are guilty as hell 
> in the commission of a false flag op and that are scrambling to shut 
> down any exposure of the truth.  Classical stonewalling.
> What's next?  One can see it coming now: the gradual erasure of 9/11 
> from the public record, as much as humanly possible.  The op was so 
> badly bungled, so poorly planned and executed, that there is no 
> conceivable way that the perps can defend the cover story for the deed 
> through the usual propaganda methods.  All discussion about and 
> consciousness of 9/11 must come to a complete halt, forever.
> Will the cover-up work?  Not a prayer.  Every move made by defenders 
> of the official fairy tale on 9/11 is making their position worse.  
> More and more people, especially at the highest levels of the 
> political establishment that haven't been subverted and corrupted by 
> the neocons, are noticing that the methods being used to prop up the 
> official story are completely consistent with an inside job and a 
> false flag op.  A very grave crime has been committed against the 
> American people that needs to be redressed.
> __._,_

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