Shlaim is interesting, but speculating. We could as speculatively deduce that 
Omert failed to understand that Britain’s really special relationship is with 
America, not Israel. 

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                   
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader:
 The deadly failure via Antony Loewenstein by Antony Loewenstein on May 15, 2007

  Avi Shlaim, The Guardian, May 14:
 Blair failed to understand that America’s really special relationship is with 
Israel, not Britain. Every time that George Bush had to choose between Blair 
and Ariel Sharon, he chose the latter. Blair’s special relationship with Bush 
was a one-way street: Blair made all the concessions and got nothing tangible 
in return.
 American policy towards the Middle East was doomed to failure from the start, 
and the end result has been to saddle Britain with a share of the 
responsibility for this failure. The premise behind American policy was that 
Iraq was the main issue in Middle East politics and that regime change in 
Baghdad would weaken the Palestinians and force them to accept a settlement on 
Israel’s terms. The road to Jerusalem, it was argued, went through Baghdad. 
This premise was wrong. Iraq was a non-issue; it did not pose a threat to any 
of its neighbours, and certainly not to America or Britain. The real issue was 
Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories and America’s support for 
Israel in its savage colonial war against the Palestinian people. 

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