Lots of interesting anomalies in this story. 

Notice how the headline starts out claiming that there is active poisoning of 
Israel thought in the US, but concedes that "American support for Israel is 
presently at an historic high ," a result exactly the opposite to premise of 
the story. He implies that the 'US elite' he refers to are American Jews 
disenchanted with Israel. His reference to opposition to Israel is Mearsheimer 
and Walt, two American Jews whose work is a five year old echo of Arab-American 
writer Edward Abboud in Invisible Enemy. Farar, Straus & Gireaux are widely 
known as 'Jewish' publishers, almost exclusively promoters of Jewish writers, 
Jewish opinions. His needs stress inculcation of American Jews earlier than 
high school.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                   
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader:
 Hoenlein says US elite being 'poisoned' against Israel - Jerusalem Post via 
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations - Google News  
on May 16, 2007

Hoenlein says US elite being 'poisoned' against Israel
Jerusalem Post, Israel - May 16, 2007
... executive vice-chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American 
Jewish Organizations, told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Tuesday. ...

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