-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [911InsideJobbers] The march towards WW III back on?
Date:   Thu, 31 May 2007 22:18:40 -0000
From:   Greg Nixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pentagon: China spending big for weapons to check U.S. defense of

China is investing vast sums of money in fielding weapons designed to
strike U.S. aircraft carriers and ships at great distances, according
to the Pentagon's latest assessment of Chinese military power.
The objective is the capability to attack U.S. ships responding to
any Chinese attack on Taiwan.

China's military is engaged in a "a sustained effort to develop the
capability to interdict, at long ranges, aircraft carrier and
expeditionary strike groups that might deploy to the Western
Pacific," the Pentagon's annual report on China's military power said
"Increasingly, China's area denial/anti-access forces overlap,
providing multiple layers of offensive systems, utilizing the sea,
air and space." (Cont..)

Putin issues sharp warning to US, vows to counter 'imperialism'

President Vladimir Putin issued an acerbic warning Thursday to the
United States, saying the recent test of a new Russian missile was a
direct response to US actions and condemning "imperialism" in world

"Our American partners have quit the ABM Treaty," Putin told
reporters after meeting his Greek counterpart, referring to the
landmark 1972 US-Soviet treaty limiting the missile defenses of the
Cold War superpower foes.

"We warned them then that we would come out with a response to
maintain the strategic balance in the world. Yesterday we conducted a
test of a new strategic ballistic missile with multiple warheads, and
of a new cruise missile, and will continue to improve our resources."
The United States informed Russia in 2001 that it was exercising its
option to withdraw unilaterally from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
pact. It has since stepped up controversial plans, fiercely opposed
by Russia, to deploy a missile defence shield in eastern Europe.
Putin warned Wednesday that the US missile defense plan would turn
Europe into a "powder keg" and he repeated on Thursday previous
assertions that the planned deployments would ignite a new Cold War-
style arms buildup.

"We are not the initiators of this new round of the arms race," Putin

The Russian president's comments came a week before he meets US
President George W. Bush and other leaders of the Group of Eight (G8)
industrialised nations at a summit in Germany.

He is also scheduled to hold one-on-one talks with Bush in the United
States at the beginning of July.

In a thinly disguised attack on US foreign policy in recent years,
Putin warned there had been attempts by actors -- he did not name any
country or bloc explicitly -- in international affairs to impose
their will on others.

"In our view, it is nothing other than diktat, than imperialism," the
Russian leader stated.

"Problems have arisen because the world changed and there was an
attempt to make it unipolar. There was a desire among several
international actors to dictate their will to each and everyone and
to act not in accordance with the norms of international life and
law," Putin said.

He added: "This is very dangerous and unhealthy. The norms of
international law have been altered for political expediency. What is
this political expediency and who defines it?"
Tensions between Russia and the United States have risen dramatically
in the past year amid sharpening differences over the US missile
plans, the state of democracy in Russia and concerns over energy

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice repeated on Wednesday the US
assertion that the planned missile defense system in eastern Europe
poses no threat to Russia and that Moscow's concern over it
is "ludicrous."

Her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, countered at a meeting of G8
foreign ministers outside Berlin that "there is nothing ludicrous
about this issue because the arms race is starting again."

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