[Bush is as mad as a hatter. Behold the handiwork of the neocons.  Republicans 
are running for the exits from this mess.  Bush needs a major intervention and 
some serious cult deprogramming.]
       Report: In Meeting, ‘Wild-Eyed’ Bush Thumped Chest While Repeating ‘I Am 
The President!Â’       Georgie Anne Geyer writes today in the Dallas Morning 
News about President BushÂ’s strange behavior during a recent meeting with 
“[f]riends of his from Texas.”
 But by all reports, President Bush is more convinced than ever of his 
 Friends of his from Texas were shocked recently to find him nearly wild-eyed, 
thumping himself on the chest three times while he repeated “I am the 
president!” He also made it clear he was setting Iraq up so his successor could 
not get out of “our country’s destiny.” 
 This is the second time in recent weeks that accounts have surfaced of Bush 
lashing out or “ranting” in private meetings when responding to criticism of 
his Iraq policy. Chris Nelson of the Nelson Report offered a similar account 
earlier this month:
 [S]ome big money players up from Texas recently paid a visit to their friend 
in the White House. The story goes that they got out exactly one question, and 
the rest of the meeting consisted of The President in an extended whine, a 
rant, actually, about no one understands him, the critics are all messed up, if 
only people would see what heÂ’s doing things would be OKÂ…etc., etc. This is 
called a “bunker mentality” and it’s not attractive when a friend does it. When 
the friend is the President of the United States, it can be downright 
dangerous. Apparently the Texas friends were suitably appalled, hence the story 
now in circulation.
 Like the tearful House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Bush needs to 
channel his bottled up emotions towards a more worthy end — winding down the 
war in Iraq rather than defending the status quo.
 Digg It!
             Filed under: Iraq
       Posted by Nico May 31, 2007 2:33 pm


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