The WebOS is rapidly and spontaneously evolving as we speak, with Google 
leading the pack.  Microsoft is probably out of the running, despite the best 
efforts of Ray Ozzie -- the Microsoft culture is too wedded to the desktop 
model to powerfully innovate in this field.  Google will probably control the 
Webtop world and become the most important company on the planet (if it isn't 
already).  The transition from Webtop to desktop is one of the most important 
revolutions in computing history.  (Nova Spivack, btw, is probably one of the 
ten best minds on the net overall -- the global intelligence thing is in his 
blood.  This stuff is infinitely more interesting, creative and productive than 
the primitive and infantile bickering that dominates Mideast politics.)

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
This debate has been raging for years, but no one seems to want to try it out.  
Microsoft, Sun are the big arguers.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader:
 Moving to a Web OS via Minding the Planet by Nova on Jun 05, 2007

 John Markoff published an interesting article today in the New York Times 
about the shift in software and operating systems from the desktop to the Web, 
in which I am quoted. The article focuses on the rivalry and different styles 
between Microsoft and Apple's next-generation projects that attempt to tie 
desktop operating systems and the Internet together more closely. I have been 
tracking this trend for a while now -- a trend towards the evolution of what I 
call a "WebOS." 
  In my view the coming WebOS will not live  only on the desktop, rather it 
will be a web service that lives "in the cloud." Desktops will become views 
into it, rather than the center of it. The desktop PC era is almost over. We 
are entering a new era of mobility and plurality -- our digital lives will be 
spread across multiple devices, most of which will be mobile. We will require 
access to everything, no matter what device we are on. 
  When a user logs onto any device -- be it a laptop or a mobile device -- they 
will connect to their account in the WebOS. The local device will synch with 
their WebOS account to get their latest desktop layout, their preferences, and 
any new notifications or changes.
  End-User access to the WebOS will be primarily through browser-based 
applications written in scripting languages, or running on server-side apps 
written in Java, C# or Ruby, rather than native desktop apps. Cases where 
native desktop code may still be needed will include high-end graphics and 
audio  processing, or numerical calculations, that require a lot of 
computation. But for most consumers, such high-end needs are rare, except in 
the cases of gaming and multimedia. With the increase in mobile broadband and 
improvements in user-interface technologies, it will become less necessary to 
have native desktop code for such experiences -- more and more of this will 
move to the Web. When native computation is needed it will take place via 
embedding and running scripts in the local browser to leverage local resources, 
rather than installing and running software locally on a permanent basis. Most 
applications will actually be hybrids, combining local and remote services in a
 seamless interface.
  Once connected, the WebOS will provide users with a single point of access to 
their data, their relationships, their preferences, and their applications, 
anywhere, anytime, on any device. It will also begin to unify, or at least 
integrate, the data and functionality of  different online and desktop 
applications in what will appear to the end-user to be "one place." Even though 
we may have accounts, data and relationships in many different services around 
the Web, our WebOS will provide us with a unified, centralized way to access 
this information. It will reduce the fragmentation in our digital lives and 
help to improve our productivity.
  Imagine being able to go to one place on the Web to access all your email, 
documents, photos, videos, contacts and social relationships, RSS, data 
records, bookmarks, notes, and any other kind of knowledge or information. 
Imagine also that in this place you could also access all your "applications" 
-- which themselves would be modular widgets or bits of functionality provided 
by various different web services and app developers around the Web. Imagine 
that in this place it would be easy to create new data types, populate them 
with data, and share them with others. Imagine that it would be just  as easy 
to create new applications that could use that data, and share them too.
  Think of the WebOS as the ultimate personal mashup. It would not matter 
anymore where information was actually stored -- it could live in the cloud on 
the Net so it was available 24/7, and it could also be cached onto local 
devices like phones and laptops so that it was available locally or offline 
when needed. You could start to mix and mash your data in all sorts of new ways 
-- you could for example see the connections between different kinds of things, 
or you could generate reports that might show for example, photos and videos by 
people you work with, or blog posts by your friends, or files related to 
meetings you are scheduled for, etc.
  Because all information and application functionality would start to be 
integrated on a meta-level in the WebOS, new efficiencies in search, navigation 
and discovery would become possible. But to accomplish this there would need to 
 be an easier and more flexible way to represent the data itself -- a more 
open, extensible, remixable data model. Enter RDF, SPARQL, OWL and the Semantic 
Web. I believe these technologies provide a data framework that can help to 
accomplish this vision.
  This vision of a WebOS is something I have been wishing for, and working 
towards, for a long time. My own startup, Radar Networks, is actually building 
something like this, based completely on RDF and the Semantic Web. Stay tuned! 
We plan to go beta in the fall. If you are interested, visit our website and 
sign up for our mailing list to be invited for early-access.

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