Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: September Eleventh
Advocates: An Open Letter To All Senate Judiciary Committee Members via - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by
Jon Gold on Jul 27, 2007
September 11th Advocates
For Immediate Release
July 27, 2007

Watching Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testify before Congress on
July 24, 2007, for the third time, was excruciatingly painful.

During Gonzales' testimony, it became abundantly clear that Americans
were witnessing the unraveling of the fabric of America. We do not feel
that this is an overstatement.

The Attorney General, a man who supposedly personifies America's rule
of law, obfuscated, committed perjury, and belittled the very
institution, the Congress, which makes America a great Democracy. Over
and over, we publicly witnessed Gonzales' refusal to answer the
questions posed by you - a Committee authorized to conduct oversight
duties. You were made to look frustrated and foolish as your attempts
at Executive Branch oversight were thwarted by the bizarre, circular
non-answers of Attorney General Gonzales. For the third time, you were
unable to penetrate his stonewalling.
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