Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: New "Israel Lobby" book
by Mearsheimer and Walt reviewed by NY Times via On the Contrary by
Michael A. Hoffman II on 9/6/07 A Prosecutorial Brief Against the
Israeli Regime and Its Supporters

Editor's Note: A review by William Grimes of John J. Mearsheimer and
Stephen M. Walt's newly published "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign
Policy" appears in today's editions of the New York Times. We have
reproduced the review below, following our commentary.

The headline of the review, "A Prosecutorial Brief Against Israel and
Its Supporters" is subtly tilted against the authors. It should have
been headlined, "A Prosecutorial Brief Against the Israeli Regime and
Its Supporters," rather than "against Israel." The Times' accords
George W. Bush the distinction of opposing the "Iranian regime" while
allegedly supporting "the Iranian people." The Times should have
extended the same distinctive benefit of the doubt to Mearsheimer and

Having said that, this initial review (the Times will publish another
one by a different and likely more jaundiced reviewer in a future
edition) is something approaching a balanced assessment. It is marred
by distractions, such as the predictive programming embedded in the
reviewer's omniscient assertion that "most Americans" are pro-Israeli.
We also can't help discerning the creeping semi-literacy that has
slowly eroded the Times' once formidable use of the English language. I
refer to Grimes' use of the neologism, "unignorable," a non-word
inspired by the tech-manual scribbling of computer geeks who have
appended the suffix, "able" to hundreds of words, reflective of our
growing American intellectual laziness.

In that slothful sense Grimes' review fails in that he does not scruple
to quote one major argument of Mearsheimer and Walt. His central
antidote to their work is his suggestion that Americans have too much
emotional affection for the Israeli entity to detach from it. This is
not an argument, it's a crystal ball prognostication. Grimes also fails
to observe that Mearsheimer and Walt's antagonist, Alan Dershowitz, our
nation's self-appointed Grand Inquisitor, is fresh from his triumphant
interference in the tenure process at DePaul University, where he
helped ensure the termination of Dr. Norman Finkelstein's professorship
at that institution. Grimes also damns Mearsheimer and Walt's book with
faint praise. He makes it appear cold, statistical, academic and
therefore, unappealing. To his credit, however, the Times' reviewer
briefly notes, though without naming the culprits, that the authors
have been boycotted by institutions that are supposed to be champions
of free inquiry.

Allow this writer to fill in the blanks: the City University of New
York, the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs and three organizations in
Chicago turned down or canceled scheduled public events with the

A book can't change the masses. The masses no longer read books. They
are in thrall to television, movies and talk radio. "The Israel Lobby
and U.S. Foreign Policy" is intended to educate the current American
elite and the future elite among today's university students. While
this volume will not necessarily spark a revolution, it will gnaw, in
the boardrooms, judges' chambers and among the middle and upper classes
generally, at the foundations of Israeli prestige, as Jimmy
Carter's "Peace not Apartheid" book did, and that's better than nothing.

With typical hyperbole, the hysterical Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice
chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations compared the Mearsheimer/Walt book to "Hitler's big lie,"
charging that its aim is to "intimidate Jews and silence them." Observe
the Judaic mentality at work: Hoenlein's powerhouse umbrella
organization has done everything in its power to keep the book from
being published. Mearsheimer and Walt have never tried to do anything
similar to Zionist books (ADL's Abe Foxman has issued a book-length
diatribe against them), and yet they are the ones accused of silencing
and intimidating people.

The tragedy of it all is found in the question that no one is asking:
where is the Palestinian lobby in America? Answer: it doesn't exist.
Hence, even if tomorrow utopia dawned, and every American pledged to
support the Palestinian cause, there would be no political, financial
or lobbying vehicle to channel that support into legislative muscle on
Capitol hill. Some of the Israeli grip on the American ship of state is
not due solely to pernicious Israeli lobbying, it's also the fault of
Arab-American torpor. Sad to say, thus far U.S. Arabs have not
approached anywhere near the energy and organizing ability of American

But let's see what there is to celebrate, rather than always being
negative: two courageous professors who will not back down; the Farrar,
Straus & Giroux publishing house that is printing and distributing
their book and has paid them a $750,000 advance; and the First
Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which continues to
function as protection against religious-fanatic zealots who would, if
they had the opportunity, ban Mearsheimer and Walt's reasoned and
documented dissent as "anti-semitic hate literature."

I assure you, if we are not grateful for even small victories, God will
not send us bigger ones.

Thank you, John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, and your allies in American
publishing and journalism, for a significant intellectual effort toward
curbing the single most destructive assault on our nation's security,
and the peace of the world: the regime that has imposed the racist,
Talmudic, pirate state of counterfeit "Israel" on the indigenous people
of the Middle East.

--Michael A. Hofman II

(Hoffman is the author of "The Israeli Holocaust Against the
Palestinians." He is at work putting the finishing touches on his
forthcoming book, "Judaism Discovered").

A Prosecutorial Brief Against Israel and Its Supporters

NY Times September 6, 2007

By John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
484 pages. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $26.

"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" arrives carrying heavy
baggage. John J. Mearsheimer, a political scientist at the University
of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt, a professor of international affairs
at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, set off a furor
last year by arguing, in an article that appeared in The London Review
of Books, that uncritical American support for Israel, shaped by
powerful lobbying organizations like the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee, does grave harm to both American and Israeli interests.

A bitter debate has raged ever since, with accusations of anti-Semitism
leveled by, among others, Alan M. Dershowitz, the Harvard law
professor, and Abraham H. Foxman, the national director of the
Anti-Defamation League, one of the principal lobbying organizations
taken to task by Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt.

"The Israel Lobby," an extended, more fully argued version of the
London Review article, has done nothing to calm the waters. The authors
have been barred from making appearances by at least one university and
several cultural centers to discuss their subject, and continue to reap
a whirlwind of criticism and abuse. If they were looking for a fight,
they have found it.

Slowly, deliberately and dispassionately Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt
lay out the case for a ruthlessly realistic Middle East policy that
would make Israel nothing more than one of many countries in the
region. On those occasions when Israel's interests coincide with
America's, it should count on American support, but otherwise not. What
Americans fail to understand, the authors argue, is that most of the
time the two countries' interests are opposed.

The reason they do not realize this, Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt
insist, can be explained quite simply: The Israel lobby makes sure of
it. Working closely with members of Congress, public-policy
organizations and journals of opinion, energetic, well-financed groups
like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the American
Jewish Committee, along with dozens of political-action committees,
perpetuate the myth, as the authors see it, of Israel as an isolated,
beleaguered state surrounded by enemies and in need of America's
unstinting financial and military support.

This lobby is particularly adept at stifling debate before it begins,
the authors argue. "Whether the issue is abortion, arms control,
affirmative action, gay rights, the environment, trade policy, health
care, immigration or welfare, there is almost always a lively debate on
Capitol Hill," they write. "But where Israel is concerned, potential
critics fall silent and there is hardly any debate at all."

There is nothing underhanded or devious about this, the authors say.
Like the National Rifle Association or the AARP, the Israel lobby
relies on the traditional political weapons available to any
special-interest group in pressing its agenda. It just happens to be
unusually skillful and effective.

"It is simply a powerful interest group, made up of both Jews and
gentiles, whose acknowledged purpose is to press Israel's case within
the United States and influence American foreign policy in ways that
its members believe will benefit the Jewish state," they write.

The problem, Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt argue, is that Israel has
become a strategic liability with the end of the cold war and a moral
pariah in its dealings with the Palestinians and, most recently, the
Lebanese. Uncritical American support for its closest Middle East ally
has damaged American credibility in the Arab world, encouraged
terrorism, stymied the search for a solution to the Palestinian
problem, and in every way made America's international position weaker
and more dangerous.

Coolly, not to say coldly, Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt mount a
prosecutorial brief against Israel's foreign and domestic policies, and
against the state of Israel itself. They describe a virtual rogue
state, empowered by American wealth and might, that blocks peace at
every turn, threatens its cowering neighbors with impunity, crushes the
national aspirations of the Palestinians and, whenever the opportunity
arises, bites the hand that feeds it.

Working tirelessly in the background is the Israel lobby, playing Iago
to America's Othello, leading president after president down ever more
dangerous paths. Without intense pressure from the Israel lobby, the
authors argue, America would not have undertaken the war in Iraq.

Most American readers will bristle at the authors' characterization of
Israel. This is to be expected, Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt argue,
because of the completely false image of Israel and its history that
has been manufactured by the Israel lobby. As a result, Americans
completely misinterpret the Palestinian issue and fail to support a
productive policy that would tilt away from Israel and toward the

The authors state, on several occasions, their belief that Israel has a
moral and legal right to exist, but the effect of their book is to
leave it dangling by a moral and strategic thread. In essence they call
for the United States to cut Israel loose, to return more or less to
American policy before the 1967 war, when the United States tried to
occupy a middle ground between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
Strangely, the authors do not itemize the fabulous benefits delivered
by this approach in the 1950s and '60s.

It is a little odd that so chilly a book should generate such heat.
Most of Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt's arguments are familiar ones, and
it is hardly inflammatory to point out that the major Jewish
organizations tend to take a much tougher line on, say, a two-state
solution to the Palestinian problem, the Iraq war or settlements in the
West Bank, than most American Jews favor. The writers stand on
eminently defensible ground when they argue for a more constructive,
creative American role in peace talks.

The general tone of hostility to Israel grates on the nerves, however,
along with an unignorable impression that hardheaded political realism
can be subject to its own peculiar fantasies. Israel is not simply one
country among many, for example, just as Britain is not. Americans feel
strong ties of history, religion, culture and, yes, sentiment, that the
authors recognize, but only in an airy, abstract way.

They also seem to feel that, with Israel and its lobby pushed to the
side, the desert will bloom with flowers. A peace deal with Syria would
surely follow, with a resultant end to hostile activity by Hezbollah
and Hamas. Next would come a Palestinian state, depriving Al Qaeda of
its principal recruiting tool. (The authors wave away the idea that
Islamic terrorism thrives for other reasons.) Well, yes, Iran does seem
to be a problem, but the authors argue that no one should be
particularly bothered by an Iran with nuclear weapons. And on and on.

"It is time," Mr. Mearsheimer and Mr. Walt write, "for the United
States to treat Israel not as a special case but as a normal state, and
to deal with it much as it deals with any other country." But it's not.
And America won't. That's realism.

End quote

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