Regarding the oil issue:


By the way, this Trotskyist website is a believer in the 'war for oil'
explanation, which is undermined by the way the occupation has played
out. if they wanted to seize the oil resources, it made no sense to
destroy the state apparatus, the army, and the police and leave
munition dumps unguarded. They would want to get the place up and
running so that they could exploit its wealth. This is what Wolfowitz &
co. were talking about when they advertised that the whole thing could
be financed by what we'd save by driving the cost of oil down. If they
intended to exploit Iraq they wouldn't have destroyed it, but
destroying it makes serves Israeli interests as well as those of the
war party (creation of enemies.)

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Iraq Documentary: No End
in Sight - Willful? Incompetence via Bleier's Blog by Ronald on 9/6/07
Charles Ferguson's new documentary on the (mis)handling of the
aftermath of the US invasion Iraq is all the more powerful because the
filmmaker supported the war. We begin with a helpful review by the New
Yorker, Then a review in the form of a letter to a friend by Carl; and
finally a very good review by the World Socialist Website (WSWS). In
his intro to the Trotkist WSWS review, Carl helpfully explains why
their "War for Oil" theory doesn't make sense. If they wanted the oil
(or control of the oil) they wouldn't have destroyed the country.


David Denby:

The New Yorker

August 2007

Review of No End in Sight

There isn't much that's factually new in "No End in Sight," Charles
Ferguson's extraordinary documentary about the American occupation of
Iraq--at least, not for people who have kept up with the best reporting
on the war and have read such books as "Fiasco," by Thomas E. Ricks,
and "The Assassins' Gate," by the New Yorker writer George Packer, who
appears in the film. Yet we need to hear the story again and again, for
no amount of rage and disbelief can turn what the Bush Administration
did into someone else's problem. The occupation is our problem, a dead
eagle hanging around our necks. Though the facts in "No End in Sight"
are well known, the movie is still a classic.

Modest and attentive and quietly outraged, this collection of
interviews, news footage, and narrated history gathers weight and
strength and delivers, in chronological order, an overwhelming pattern
of folly: In the run-up to the invasion of March, 2003, and then in the
early months of the occupation, all the people who actually knew
anything about Iraq and the Middle East--anyone who had serious
experience in military, intelligence, or reconstruction work--were
either ignored or dismissed by the Department of Defense, with White
House backing. They were then replaced by ignorant and inexperienced
ideologues who refused to hear what the knowledgeable told them.
Ferguson establishes the disastrous thinking around such turning points
as the decision not to stop the looting that followed the invasion; the
de-Baathification of the professional classes of Iraq; and the
disbanding of the Iraqi Army, which sent some half a million armed men
into the streets. "No End in Sight" is an exposure of the
psychopathology of power.

Ferguson earned a Ph.D. in political science from M.I.T., but went into
Web design, only to sell his company to Microsoft, in 1996. He is one
of the new plutocrats (Andrew Jarecki, of "Capturing the Friedmans," is
another) who unaccountably refused to buy a vineyard in the Napa Valley
and instead turned to filmmaking. He paid for the movie himself--it cost
two million dollars--and hired some of the best talent he could find:
the cinematographer Antonio Rossi, the composer Peter Nashel, and the
documentary producer Alex Gibney, who advised him to hold down the
rhetoric and build up the interview subjects so that they become real
characters. No better counsel has ever been given to a first-time
director and writer. Despite the often gruesome subject, this is an
exceptionally elegant-looking film, and it provides what can only be
called sensuous rewards. It's necessary for us to see, and feel, how
utterly torn up Baghdad and Falluja and other sites in Iraq are. And
it's moving to see the faces and hear the voices of the losers in the
policy wars, including former Deputy Secretary of State Richard
Armitage, who makes it clear, in his terse and guarded way, that he and
his boss, Colin Powell, got exactly nowhere whenever they offered sane
advice; General Jay Garner, the first American proconsul in Iraq, who
was replaced by the fatuous L. Paul Bremer, and wishes that he had been
able to fight harder against Bremer's decisions to disband the Iraqi
military; and, most painfully, Colonel Paul Hughes, who was in touch
with Iraqi officers commanding troops ready to maintain order in
Baghdad, only to be shut down, from Washington, by Walter Slocombe, the
senior adviser for national security and defense for the Coalition
Provisional Authority. The madness continues: Slocombe, for example,
still refuses, in an interview, to admit that the disbanding of the
Army had anything to do with the insurgency. The bitterest revelation
of "No End in Sight" is that the people who got it right are in agony,
whereas the people who got it wrong are practically serene.

Letter from Carl:

I saw No end in sight yesterday. Yes, I knew that Ferguson was in favor
of the war when it started, and still might have been in favor if it
weren't for the systematic destruction of Iraq that followed US
occupation. This is what he focusses on, rather single-mindedly, and
the story is so astonishing that it presents a convincing case that the
appalling destruction of the country is what was intended by
Cheyney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz et al. I'm not sure he believes this, or
would be willing to say it if he did. Yet the story he tells makes any
other conclusion hard to believe. Over and over they were told (and the
people who told them are interviewed) that dismantling the army, the
police, the civili administration, would lead to a widespread
insurgency, that making members of the Baath party unemployable would
feed it, and leaving enormous ammunition dumps unguarded would help arm
it (and those are just the highlights).
The inevitable question this film raises is that if you were intent on
destroying Iraq could you have devised a better plan? The alternative
view: "Stuff happens" is expressed by an insouciant Rumsfeld, denying,
at a press conference, that there was anything to worry about.
Since I have long believed in the dictum; "Men intend the foreseeable
consequences of their actions" most of this didn't come as a surprise
to me, but the material about the CPA's allowing enormous weapons
stores to fall into the hands of the "insurgents" was something I
hadn't considered before, and lends a gruesomely hypocritical flavor to
the slogan. "Support our troops."

I don't think this film will turn out to be a good investment. It must
have cost rather a lot (including the expense of bodyguards in Iraq)
and it doesn't try to appeal to the public in the way that Michael
Moore apparently does. The audience at the Film Forum seemed to be
intently watching, but with very little in the way of emotional

It is because he had hoped that the war would be a success, that his
exposé of the step-by-step systematic destruction of the country we
were supposed to be saving (or at least exploiting) is so powerful. The
reviews are full of words like "astonishing," and "jaw-dropping." Here
are a few excerpts:

staggering callousness and incompetence
calamitous errors

seemingly boundless behind-the-scenes ineptitude
a catalog of horrors so absurd and relentless it verges on farce, or
Greek tragedy.

Time and again, Rumsfeld and company failed to consult and even
actively ignored military strategists, postwar reconstruction experts
and diplomats familiar with the region
the sheer scale and depth of this appalling failure la times

The knowledge and expertise of military, diplomatic and technical
professionals was overridden by the ideological certainty of political
loyalists. Republican Party operatives, including recent college
graduates with little or no relevant experience, were put in charge of
delicate and complicated administrative areas. Those who did not
demonstrate lock-step fidelity to the White House line were ignored or
pushed aside. nytimes

In general, ideology makes imbeciles of everyone caught in its grip.

No End in Sight," lays out the disastrous missteps of the U.S.
occupation of Iraq. The magnitude of the errors perpetrated by the Bush
administration--ignorance, incompetence, arrogance, bad or nonexistent
planning, cronyism and naiveté--can make you weep with anger. newsweek

presented in a concentrated dose, as this movie does, the raw facts are
staggering. At some point, during a sequence about unguarded weapons
depots that Iraqis raided, I wrote in my notepad, "This is
unbelievable." Then there's the monetary waste, the low troop levels,
the lack of suitable body armor for the troops, and Rumsfeld's haughty
dismissal -- it's always Rumsfeld -- of why that armor's not there.
It's as though the administration actively wanted this to go badly.
boston globe



August 29, 2007

Carl introduces the WSWS review:

Although the reviewer naturally takes issue with Ferguson's politics
(that we should learn from our mistakes when the time for the next war
comes) as do I, she's very impressed by the film, as am I. Whether or
not Ferguson wanted to raise the question of whether the chaos and
destruction was intentional, his film does. The reviewer's
phrase "willful incompetence" says it all. (By the way, this Trotskyist
website is a believer in the 'war for oil' explanation, which is
undermined by the way the occupation has played out. if they wanted to
seize the oil resources, it made no sense to destroy the state
apparatus, the army, and the police and leave munition dumps unguarded.
They would want to get the place up and running so that they could
exploit its wealth. This is what Wolfowitz & co. were talking about
when they advertised that the whole thing could be financed by what
we'd save by driving the cost of oil down. If they intended to exploit
Iraq they wouldn't have destroyed it, but destroying it makes serves
Israeli interests as well as those of the war party (creation of
enemies.) --Carl

World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : Arts Review : Film Reviews
No End In Sight: An establishment view of what went wrong
By Christie Schaefer
30 August 2007

Written and directed by Charles Ferguson
No End in Sight, the documentary by Charles Ferguson, opens and closes
with a montage of images of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq.
>From early, warm greetings of American troops by some Iraqis, through
the consequent demolition of the country and many of its people, the
descent into chaos is presented as a time-lapse sequence of mounting
Ferguson, a former Brookings Institution fellow and co-founder of a
software firm, is a liberal establishment figure who believes that the
war in Iraq has gone horribly wrong. He makes clear in interviews that
his purpose in making the film, which he financed himself, is to point
out the mistakes made by the Bush administration, so that future
administrations can carry out interventions more effectively.

Ferguson told the San Francisco Chronicle: "Unfortunately, it's too
late for Iraq. ... But this is not the last time America is going to go
to war. This is not the last time where there will be a debate about
what to do about a failed state or a dictator. I hope people come away
with the understanding that war is sometimes necessary. And if you go
to war, you're going to have to do it very carefully and with humility."

That being said, No End in Sight's director goes about his work
intelligently. He weaves news conferences and interviews with key
players (those who were willing to talk with him) to reconstruct a time
line of events in a comprehensible manner.
Ferguson presents a picture of almost breathtaking US shortsightedness.
An even more catastrophic situation could only have been created, one
gets the sense, if those involved had been actively working to bring
about such a result. As it is, the willful incompetence and the
disregarding of experts and eyewitnesses as to the conditions on the
ground have helped create hellish conditions for an Iraqi population
already rendered weak by over a decade of a lethal embargo and economic

Time and again, Ferguson notes, surprise decisions were made from
Washington to be carried out by those in the field. Such decisions
included the disbanding of the Iraqi army--whose former members were
armed and knew where to procure further weapons (great caches of which
were left unguarded). This took place in the midst of negotiations with
the leaders of the army, which was beginning to prove its usefulness to
the US in reining in some of the disorder. For the Americans, this
decision proved especially damaging. This effectively deprived
approximately 100,000 people of their livelihoods, starving their
families and encouraging them to join the resistance.

Although this is not new territory, as much the same documentation can
be found in Imperial Life in the Emerald City (Rajiv Chandrasekaran,
Alfred Knopf, 2006) and other such books, Ferguson makes good use of
his materials and successfully personalizes this war.

Most effective are the sections in which he directly questions the
active players. The level of unpreparedness in the run-up to the war is
astonishing. Ambassador Barbara Bodine, in charge of Baghdad in the
spring of 2003, states that there was not so much as a telephone when
she arrived in the Iraqi capital as head of the Office for
Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance. Her group spent the first
weeks gathering such things as chairs for their office and trying to
find the whereabouts of anyone who might have a clue as to the running
of the place. Her situation was not atypical.

It is also revealed that at the time of George W. Bush's "Bring it on"
speech (July 2, 2003, almost four months after the invasion), only one
in eight US Humvees were equipped with armor. Ferguson introduces us to
a number of veterans of the war, disabled by being caught in their
Humvees by IEDs. They share not only their own stories, but provide
insight into what was occurring on the front lines.

The casual disregard of Bush and his administration (including
Congress) for the people they were sending into combat is breathtaking.
We are treated to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's infamous
answer to a soldier's question as to why there was no armor and
soldiers had to scrounge in landfills for extra metal to retrofit their
Humvees, "You fight a war with the army you have."

No End in Sight raises the issue of private contractors from two points
of view. Again, indicating his own view of things, Ferguson first
discusses the actual cost of the mercenaries as opposed to their
efficiency; he also considers their overall behavior. Since the
director's concern is to indicate how such a war might be properly
conducted, he shows us images of a fort built by local workers (being
paid enough to support their families, and thereby given less reason to
join the resistance) under the direction of US troops. Their fort cost
approximately $200,000 and was completed in about six months. The film
contrasts to this a fort being built by contractors, which cost ten
times more and was uncompleted. In either case, it should be noted, the
colonialist character of the occupation remains the same.

We also see more troubling images in a home movie made by a group of
contractors in an armored vehicle. As they drive along a popular
street, they level their guns and fire at anyone who follows them, amid
whoops, racial slurs and loud country-and-western music. To them, it
seems, this is nothing more than a playground. They are held neither to
international nor military law, having been given a free pass to create

Within definite limits, No End in Sight provides a starting point for
understanding the disastrous character of Bush administration policy.
Its simple layout and the almost hands-off interviewing style give a
balanced picture of what has happened and why. Officials are condemned
by the contradiction between their words and reality. Ferguson presents
much valuable and harrowing material. His notion that such a
neo-colonial adventure could be done 'properly' is what needs to be

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