Dear Ms. Brouillet,
  I very much enjoyed appearing on your show, and hope that I disappointed 
those out there who want to thank the worst of me -- and of you for 
interviewing me!  Your point about the 911-2B alarms going off even before 
Madrid was valid and germane to our conversation, and my life would be boring 
indeed is my understanding that were never refine by those who knew things that 
I didn't!  Many thanks for posting the link to our interview so quickly:
  It's not very often that I had the chance to speak with so well versed a 
person as you.  Given the circles in which you have moved, and the places to 
which you have been, I'm not surprised at the breadth of your perspective.  
Just hours before our talk, I received your kind gift of the 911 truth DVD 
(which I watched with pleasure) and your 9/11 bucks (which my wife and I pored 
over with great amusement).  Please let me know where I can find more of the 
funny money, as I would love to have someone in or stocking stuffers this 
Christmas.  If you have pictures of it on the Internet, please send the link so 
that I can pass it along!
  I'm all with you on hoping that the work we are doing is making it are less 
likely that the Bush League can carry out its nefarious work of a 911-2B 
attack.  Candidly, much of the flak that you caught from posting my essay on 
our Nazi nation, then later the announcement of our interview, came from folks 
who operate as disinformation trolls who are working to undermine the 911 truth 
movement.  I'm sorry to find that they have infested 911Blogger, but hardly 
surprised.  In infowar as in all war, opponents attack crucial connections, be 
they of logistics or of communication.
  Incidentally, it may well be that my essay, America Uber Alles -- Our Nazi 
Nation, about the similarities between the Third Reich and the Bush League has 
inspired a mainstream echo of its thesis.  On Monday, Frank Rich of the New 
York Times published an essay that said the same things: The "Good Germans" 
Among Us --
  Best regards, Captain May

Carol Brouillet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Captain May-

It was a pleasure to have you on the show- my apologies for 
interrupting you and arguing with you- but I think when you changed- 
your perceptions changed- and you didn't see all the propaganda that 
we were being fed before- because you were a part of it, and believed 
it to some degree... Referring to the "terrorizing of the American 
Public" that took place in the wake of 9/11- as you said- you wrote 
about Texas being the likely target of Al Qaeda- before you realized 
who was pulling the strings and for what purpose...

I do hope you forgive me for that- and know that I do respect you and 
your work- even if I will disagree with you on some points. I think 
it is healthy that we do have different perspectives and 
backgrounds. Did you get the DVD I sent you??? You know that I 
sailed around the world with the head of the Rapiblican Party- who 
was in charge of the Re-Elect Bush 1992 campaign... and all that, right?

I think you are having an impact- and I hope together with all the 
other people of conscience we will thwart these guys and they won't 
dare try to pull something off in Portland.

Wishing you all the best.

Any links that you want me to add to my website for you- please send 
my way- I never did get those photos you said that you sent me. If 
you want to direct folks to the show or if anyone wants to grab it 
and repost it anywhere the archive is at-
   . The show's website is- .

Much love and appreciation!


PS My uncle and cousin graduated from West Point and my three younger 
cousins (all female) joined the airforce and the military- they live in Texas.

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