"The determination of the court was based on the premise that the National 
Socialist regime was by definition unjust, and since the death sentence in this 
case was politically motivated, it was likely to have contained an extension of 
that injustice; the finding was independent of the factual question of whether 
or not it was van der Lubbe who actually set the fire." [2]

By that logic, perhaps Jose Padilla will one day be "exonerated".. and dare we 
say, box-cutter boss Atta and his 18 accomplices?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sean McBride 
To: political-research@yahoogroups.com ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:24 AM
Subject: [political-research] Reichstag Fire "Lone Nut" Marinus van der Lubbe, 
finally gets his name cleared.

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader:

Reichstag Fire "Lone Nut" Marinus van der Lubbe, finally gets his name cleared.
via 911Blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by 
Reprehensor on 1/29/08

It took 75 years, but the Reichstag Fire patsy, Marinus van der Lubbe, has been 
exonerated of his "crime". The Guardian covered the news on January 12, and the 
New York Times mentions it today, 7 paragraphs into this article.

The innocence of van der Lubbe has been common knowledge to some for decades, 
and the truth of his "crime" was popularized by William Shirer in his classic 
book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" back in 1960;

  "That it was a crime, a Communist crime, they proclaimed at once on arrival 
at the fire. Goering, sweating and puffing and quite beside himself with 
excitement, was already there ahead of them (Hitler, President von Hindenburg, 
etc.) declaiming to heaven, as Papen later recalled, that "this is a Communist 
crime against the new government." To the new Gestapo chief, Rudolf Diels, 
Goering shouted, "This is the beginning of the Communist revolution! We must 
not wait a minute. We will show no mercy. Every Communist official must be 
shot, where he is found. Every Communist deputy must this very night be strung 

  The whole truth about the Reichstag fire will probably never be known. Nearly 
all those who knew it are now dead, most of them slain by Hitler in the months 
that followed. Even at Nuremburg the mystery could not be entirely unraveled, 
though there is enough evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that it 
was the Nazis who planned the arson and carried it out for their own political 

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