Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Muckety maps for the big 8 news/media corps- maps for Google via We Can Change The World by wecanchangetheworld on 1/30/08
Using my prior knowledge and research for the theyrule map I made, I figure it shouldn't be too challenging for me to work out the more interesting interrelationships between BODs of some of the big companies and the big 8 media/news (Microsoft, Google and Yahoo included, as per Mother Jones). Here are a couple of quickies for Google- the first is pretty much just the Google BODs/advisors and their connections of interest. #2 throws Apple in, since several connections exist between the two companies. Google map Google/Apple map the bigger picture (from my theyrule work- keep clicking till it opens up) more to follow... I'm thinking Google/Disney, Yahoo and Google/Yahoo as next steps; probably News Corp somewhere in there as well. Don't mind me, I'm just in the candy store with my allowance in my pocket... Things you can do from here: - Subscribe to We Can Change The World using Google Reader - Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites