June 22, 2017
Why Democrats keep losing

By James Arlandson <http://www.americanthinker.com/author/james_arlandson/>

They have gone 0-4 in the last special elections, and they keep blaming the
wrong people and coming up with the wrong reasons for their losses.

Here are ten reasons why they keep losing.

1. They have broken the federal budget.

That is, if the government gets bigger and bigger and keeps spending money,
then the economy will prosper, because for every one dollar the
government spends, the expenditure puts at least $1.50 to $2.50 back into
the economy.  They say this to promote big government.  Of course, this is
nonsense, no matter how many line graphs they produce to prove their
theory.  If there really is a multiplier effect, let it happen in the
private sector.

3. Obamacare is still a disaster.

Dems and their fact-checkers keep telling us it is not in free fall, but
more and more insurance companies are leaving the exchanges.

[image: Description:

White House staff, November 9,2017

4. Corporate taxes are still too high.

The top marginal corporate tax rate is 38.92%, which slows business down.
So far, the Dems don't show any interest in lowering the rate.  Will they
work with the GOP to fix it?

5. The tax code is too complicated.

It goes up to 70,000 pages.  We need to simplify it.  The Dems yawn.

6.  They obsess over some sort of Russia collusion.

They can't seem to come to grips with the reality that there is no story
there.  They comfort themselves after their 2016 loss that impeachment is
possible.  Anyone with a little sense can see that impeachment is
impossible.  Yes, Russia did try to hack the elections to cause chaos, as
Russia did in the recent French elections, but this is the real world of
dog-eat-dog politics and international competition.  People don't play
fair.  There is no evidence of collusion that says Trump intended Russia to
interfere and directed the Russians to do so.

7. They are all in for military budget cuts.

The Chinese just successfully tested a hypersonic missile, which probably
can't be stopped with missile defense – that is, by shooting it down with
another missile.  What happens if this technology gets into North Korean
hands?  We need to strengthen research and development either in the
private or in the public sector to upgrade our military.  Do the Dems
care?  No.

8. They seem not to like police officers.

Generic statement: Black lives matter.

Movement: Black Lives Matter.

The first statement is true, while the second one comes with too much
baggage.  The Dems exploit the confusion.  Most of us support our police
(and the first statement).

9. They advocate weird sexual public practices.

Privately, anyone can be what he wants if his choice harms no one else.
Publicly, if a man who believes he is a woman walks into a public space
historically reserved for women, then this action endangers the women
because he may be just a pervert.  The Dems can't keep advocating obvious
nonsense and expect the larger public to like them.

10. They're too shrill and hysterical all the time.

They hate the president.  Their buddies in the news media gleefully cry,
"Watergate!"  They're hysterical about Russia.  They're shrill about
human-caused imminent global catastrophe.  They're hysterical about a white
cop war on black men.  But the public is not with them.

All in all, the Dems are pushing too hard.  It's so odd that otherwise
intelligent people can advocate such silliness that destroys themselves and
stalls and hinders our country.

It's clear enough that if Trump can do two things, he'll win re-election:
simplify the tax code, and roll back the gigantic regulation bureaucracy.
Dems either adjust their views, which doesn't seem "imminent," or they'll
keep losing the country.  And I say the country will be better off with
more of their losses.

*James Arlandson's website is Live as Free People
<https://liveasfreepeople.com/>, where he has posted Timeline of the
Vietnam War


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Posted by: "Beowulf" <beow...@westerndefense.net>

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