For those of ya'll who haven't read this, it's worth the short read!

Coulter had a, 9"Coulter-esque" meaning not nearly as thoughtful as
Buchanan's!) column this week also:


After a Bernie Sanders supporter tried to commit mass murder last week –
the *second* homicidal Bernie supporter so far this year — the media blamed
President Trump for lowering the bar on heated political rhetoric by
calling his campaign opponents cruel names like “Crooked Hillary” and
“Lyin’ Ted.”

As soon as any conservative responds to Trump’s belittling names for his
rivals by erupting in a murderous rage, that will be a fantastically good
point. But until then, it’s idiotic. Unlike liberals, conservatives aren’t
easily incited to violence by words.

What we’re seeing is the following: Prominent liberals repeatedly tell us,
with deadly seriousness, that Trump and his supporters are: “Hitler,”
“fascists,” “bigots,” “haters,” “racists,” “terrorists,” “criminals,” and
“white supremacists,” which is then followed by liberals physically
attacking conservatives.

To talk about “both sides” being guilty of provocative rhetoric is like
talking about “both genders” being guilty of rape.

Nearly every op-ed writer at *The New York Times* has compared Trump to
Hitler. (The conservative on the op-ed page merely called him a
“proto-fascist.”) If Trump is Hitler and his supporters Nazis, then the
rational course of action for any civilized person is to kill them.

That’s not just a theory, it’s the result.

A few months ago, 38-year-old Justin Barkley shot and killed a UPS driver
in a Walmart parking lot in Ithaca, New York, then ran over his body,
because he thought he was killing Donald Trump. During his arraignment,
Barkley told the judge: “I shot and killed Donald Trump purposely,
intentionally, and very proudly.”

In the past year, there have been at least a hundred physical attacks on
Trump supporters or presumed Trump supporters. The mainstream media have
ignored them all.

Schoolchildren across the country are being hospitalized from beatings for
the crime of liking Trump. In Pasco, Oregon, a 29-year-old Trump supporter
was stabbed in the throat by a Hispanic man, Alvaro Campos-Hernandez, after
a political argument.

Last month, the anti-jihad scholar Robert Spencer was poisoned in Iceland
by a Social Justice Warrior pretending to be a fan, sending Spencer to the

It’s become so normal for leftist thugs to assault anyone who likes Trump
that, in Meriden, Connecticut, Wilson Echevarria and Anthony Hobdy leapt
out of their car and started punching and hitting a man holding a Trump
sign, rolling him into traffic *right in front of a policeman.*

If any one of these bloody attacks had been committed by a Trump supporter
against a Muslim, a gay, a Mexican, a woman, or a Democrat, the media would
have had to drop its Russia conspiracy theory to give us 24-7 coverage of
the epidemic of right-wing violence.

The liberal response to this ceaseless mayhem toward conservatives is to
produce a single nut, who fired a gun in the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in
Washington, D.C., last December (hurting no one) to “rescue children,”
after reading on obscure right-wing blogs that the restaurant hid a
Democratic pedophilia ring. (They’ve also hyped a long list of “hate
crimes” that were utter hoaxes.)

Congratulations, liberals! You got one. And some tiny number of girls raped
men last year. QED: Both sexes have a rape problem.

Liberal aggression has ratcheted up dramatically since the dawn of Trump,
as has the dehumanizing rhetoric, but epic violence from the left is
nothing new.

We don’t have to go back more than century to note that every presidential
assassin and attempted presidential assassin who had a political motive was
a leftist, a socialist, a communist, or a member of a hippie commune.
(Charles J. Guiteau, Leon Czolgosz, Giuseppe Zangara, Lee Harvey Oswald,
Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, and Sara Jane Moore.)

Instead, we’ll start in the 1990s. Al Sharpton’s speeches helped inspire
people to murder two people in Crown Heights in 1991 and seven people at
Freddie’s Fashion Mart in 1995. As scary as David Duke and Richard Spencer
are, I’ve never heard of anyone committing murder after listening to one of
their speeches.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, among other acts of violence, Obama
supporters Maced elderly volunteers in a McCain campaign office in Galax,
Virginia. They threw Molotov cocktails at, stomped, and shredded McCain
signs on a half-dozen families’ front yards around Portland. Another Obama
supporter broke the McCain sign of a small middle-aged woman in midtown
Manhattan, then hit her in the face with the stick.

(All this for *John McCain!)*

At the Republicans’ convention that year, hundreds of liberals were
arrested for smashing police cars, slashing tires, and breaking store
windows. Police seized Molotov cocktails, napalm bombs, and assorted
firearms from the protesters. Elderly convention-goers were Maced and sent
to the hospital after protesters threw bricks through the windows of
convention buses. On the first day alone, the cops made 284 arrests, 130
for felonies.

That same year, California voters approved Proposition 8, banning gay
marriage. In response, left-wing opponents of the measure ferociously
attacked Mormon and Catholic churches, smashing glass doors, spray-painting
the churches, and burning holy books on their front steps. The mayor of
Fresno and his pastor received death threats serious enough to require
around-the-clock police protection.

(Although the measure would not have passed without the support of black
voters, liberals held black people blameless for their opposition to gay
marriage. Mormons and Catholics were a much funner target.)

In 2009, one conservative had his finger bitten off at a Tea Party rally in
Thousand Oaks, California, by a man at a counter-protest. At a
St. Louis Tea Party rally, an African-American selling anti-Obama bumper
stickers was beaten up by two Service Employees International Union thugs,
resulting in charges.

For the past few years, the media have enthusiastically promoted Black
Lives Matter, hoping to galvanize the black vote. The mother of Michael
Brown was even invited to appear on stage at the Democrats’ convention.
But, as the British discovered with their Indian auxiliaries during the
Revolutionary War, having ginned them up, they couldn’t calm them down.

As a result of the media’s tall tales about homicidal, racist cops, Black
Lives Matter enthusiasts staged sneak attacks, executing two policemen in
Brooklyn, five in Dallas, and three in Baton Rouge.

Liberals know damn well that their audience includes a not-insignificant
portion of foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics, prepared, at the slightest
provocation, to smash windows, burn down neighborhoods, physically attack,
and even murder conservatives. But instead of toning down the rhetoric, the
respectable left keeps throwing matches on the bone-dry tinder, and then
indignantly asks, “Are you saying conservatives don’t do it, too?”

No, actually. We don’t.

On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 7:22 AM, MJ <> wrote:

> June 15, 2017
> *A Long History of Leftist Hatred *By Patrick J. Buchanan
> James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, who aspired to end his life
> as a mass murderer of Republican Congressmen, was a Donald Trump hater and
> a Bernie Sanders backer.
> Like many before him, Hodgkinson was a malevolent man of the hating and
> hard left.
> His planned atrocity failed because two Capitol Hill cops were at that
> Alexandria baseball field, providing security for House Whip Steve Scalise.
> Had those cops not been there, a massacre would have ensued with many more
> dead than the gunman.
> Recall. There were no armed citizens at that Tucson grocery in 2011, when
> six were murdered and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was gravely wounded along
> with a dozen others. The nutcase doing the shooting was only wrestled to
> the ground when he dropped a clip trying to reload.
> The Alexandria attack brings back memories of long ago.
> A day before my 12th birthday, when I was in Children’s Hospital with a
> broken leg, my parents brought me the news that Puerto Rican terrorists had
> just attempted to assassinate Harry Truman at Blair House. A heroic cop,
> Leslie Coffelt, died stopping them.
> In my second year in high school, blocks from the Capitol, Puerto Rican
> nationalists entered the visitor’s gallery of the House and began firing
> semiautomatic pistols. Five Congressmen were wounded.
> Democratic politics has often proven a dangerous calling.
> Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and JFK ­ one in every
> 10 of all our presidents ­ were assassinated.
> Attending a service for a South Carolina Congressman in the Capitol in
> 1835, President Jackson survived twin misfires of two pistols. Old Hickory
> used his cane to attack his assailant, who was collared by Congressman Davy
> Crockett of Tennessee.
> As a third-party candidate for president in 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was
> shot in the chest. “It takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose,” Teddy
> scoffed, and finished his speech.
> In February 1933, President-elect FDR, in Miami, was the target of
> would-be assassin Giuseppe Zangara, whose arm was jostled at the moment of
> firing. The bullet killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.
> Between the assassination of JFK in 1963 and near-mortal wounding of
> President Reagan by John Hinckley in 1981, Martin Luther King was murdered
> in Memphis in April 1968, and Sen. Robert Kennedy, two months later, in Los
> Angeles.
> Presidential candidate George Wallace, campaigning in Laurel, Maryland,
> was shot five times in May 1972 by Arthur Bremer, who had spent weeks
> stalking President Nixon. President Ford was the target of two attempts on
> his life in 1975, the first by a Manson Family hanger-on Lynette “Squeaky”
> Fromme, the second by radical leftist Sara Jane Moore.
> What drove the assassins?
> In the early 20th century, it was anarchism. McKinley was killed by
> anarchist Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo, New York.
> In 1919, Carlo Valdinoci tried to assassinate Attorney General A. Mitchell
> Palmer with a bomb on his porch at 2132 R Street. Valdinoci tripped on a
> wicket and his dynamite bomb exploded prematurely, blasting Carlo’s body
> parts all over the neighborhood.
> Palmer’s neighbor across the street, Assistant Secretary of the Navy
> Franklin Roosevelt, rushed over to help.
> Palmer ordered a roundup of anarchists in what came to be known as “Palmer
> Raids,” and put in charge of field operations a 24-year-old lawyer and D.C.
> law-enforcement prodigy by the name of John Edgar Hoover.
> Hoover’s career flourished. But the career of America’s most famous
> anarchist, Emma Goldman, faded. She and ex-lover Alexander Berkman, who had
> tried to kill Carnegie Steel’s Henry Clay Frick during the violent
> Homestead Strike of 1892, were rounded up and deported in 1920 with
> hundreds of anarchists to the new Russia of Lenin and Trotsky in a ship the
> press dubbed “the Red Ark.”
> A. Mitchell Palmer did not get the 1920 presidential nomination he was
> seeking. But neighbor FDR did make it onto the ticket.
> As radical anarchists were the principal terrorists of the first quarter
> of the 20th century, and Puerto Rican nationalist-terrorists dominated the
> 1950s, the 1960s and early 1970s were marked by the seemingly endless
> violence of the hard left, beginning with the Communist Oswald, who had
> tried to shoot Gen. Edwin Walker in Dallas before killing JFK.
> The campus violence and urban riots of the decade, from Harlem to Watts to
> Newark and Detroit, to Washington, D.C., and 100 cities after Dr. King’s
> death, were not the work of the Goldwater right.
> Those were the days of the Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic
> Society, Weatherman and the Symbionese Liberation Army. It was America’s
> radical left shooting cops and burning down ROTC buildings. Leftist
> violence propelled the political careers of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
> As for James Hodgkinson, he was a Trump-hating left-wing terrorist.
> And those who incite sick minds with images of a bloodstained decapitated
> head of the president, and cheer Central Park productions of “Julius
> Caesar” with the assassinated Roman Consul made up to look like the
> president, cannot evade moral culpability.
> --
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