*China Tech: Interesting Bits and Pieces*

Posted on June 29, 2017
<> by Fred
Reed <>

To one watching the advance of Chinese science and technology, or to me
anyway, several things stand out. First, the headlong pace. Second, the
amount of it that appears aimed at making China independent of the West
technologically and getting the United States off Beijing’s back. Third,
the apparent calculated focus. It looks like intelligent design, as
distinct from America’s competitive scrabbling for profit by special
interests, the hope being that this might inadvertently benefit the country
as a whole.

In short, the Chinese seem to Have Something In Mind.

As I have mentioned before, China came out of nowhere to become the world
leader in supercomputers. Also in high-speed rail, of strategic importance
in its plan to united Europe and Asia economically. Heavy investment in
solar power offers to ameliorate its dependence on oil from the Persian
Gulf, vulnerable to blockage by the US Navy. Then there is  DF21D
terminally guided ballistic missile, specifically intended as a
carrier-killer in what China regards as its home waters. The list could go
on at length.

In much of America, the Chinese are dismissed as being “unable to
innovate,” inventiveness being thought of as unique to white men. Thinner
ice has perhaps never been trod.

The Chinese are smart. They are certainly capable of high-grade engineering
and scientific research. (Eg., Beijing Genomics Institute
<>) The line
between imaginative engineering and invention is blurry. Note that on the
numbers China can potentially bring to bear five times as many engineers as
America can and, while they are well short of this, twice as many would
be–is?–the beginning of a new world.

While Beijing works to benefit China, rapidly increasing its
techno-industrial clout, Washington spends insanely on weaponry. It is
trying to apply a military solution to a commercial problem. America
crumbles economically, politically, culturally, but has the very best

Example of non-inventiveness:

Step One, From a while back, “China Activates
World’s Longest Ultra Secure Quantum Communication Network..” Beijing to

Quantum communications is based on the behavior of entangled photons. Said
behavior is obviously impossible, but apparently nobody has told the
photons, so they do it anyway. (Unless all the world’s physicists are
smoking Drano. This possibility is worth considering. If interested, quantum
entanglement <>. Also Quantum
Key Distribution.
<>) The
point is that if anyone tries to intercept the transmission, it becomes
obvious. A weakness is that you need repeaters every sixty miles, which
reduces security.

Unless you do it in space:

Step Two: China
world’s first quantum satellite. Having done the landline, they move to
orbital experimentation.

Step Three, Bingo!  “China Just Took the Lead in the Quantum Space Race”

This being a big deal, I clip from Asia Times

On Thursday, a team of Chinese scientists released findings from a
breakthrough study that makes China the indisputable leader in the field of
quantum communication, an achievement that could be of immense strategic

The study, led by Pan Jianwei and published in Science
magazine, successfully demonstrated the ability to distribute entangled
photons across unprecedented distances, from space to earth, opening the
door for the practical application of cutting-edge, ultra-secure

The unprecedented distance was 1200 kilometers. Beijing  might be regarded
as trying to establish world-wide communications secure against NSA and,
eventually, a whole internet proof against Fort Meade. Whether one regards
this as engineering development or innovation doesn’t seem to make much

Solar-Powered Plane Flies at 65,000 feet”

[image: Description:]

It apparently could stay aloft for months. The stories dealing with it
suggest that the purpose might be long-term surveillance of countries,
meaning spying. In any event, it is a neat technological trick, especially
from people who can’t innovate.

Then we have, from

“China launched its most powerful rocket ever on Thursday, state media
said, as the country presses on with a program which has seen it become a
major space power.”

The point here is not that China is ahead of America in space–it isn’t–but
that it is coming on fast. Engineering, engineering, engineering.
Dismissive Americans point out that the US was on the Moon in 1969 and that
China is piggybacking of American technology. True. And Irrelevant.

>From the National Interest
“The World’s New Leader in Super Deadly Hypersonic Weapons: China?”

Chinese Quantum Radar

Quantum radar is another application of entangled photons. The link gives a
semi-technical overview. The important point is that in principle it allows
detection of stealth aircraft.

The Chinese assert that they can now detect stealth aircraft at 62 miles
with enough accuracy to compute a fire-control solution. This means that
radar stations with slightly overlapping fields of detection, say a hundred
miles apart, could detect incoming aircraft with easily enough time to
shoot them down.

If this report is true, it is potentially devastating for the US Air Force.
 So far as I am aware, Chinese claims of technical results have heretofore
been accurate.

The Air Force has invested very, very heavily in stealth. In bombers, the
hugely expensive B2 and the planned hugelier expensiver B21 are dead meat
if detached. In fighters, the F22 and the F35 Bankruper—Lightning II, I
meant to say—will lose their main selling point if detectable. The F35 in
particular has made compromises in performance to make it stealthy and, if
detectable, is just a so-so fighter.

Next: “Enter the Nimble Dragon:
sees nuclear future in small reactors”

“SMRs (small modular reactors) have capacity of less than 300 megawatts
(MW) – enough to power around 200,000 homes – compared to at least 1
gigawatt (GW) for standard reactors….”

“China is aiming to lift domestic nuclear capacity to 200 GW by 2030, up
from 35 GW at the end of March, but its ambitions are global.”

Small reactors (a bit larger than a bus) are important if you want to
electrify a remote city without the overkill of a standard plant or the
expense of long transmission lines. China is not the only country working
on mini-nukes (or on anything else mentioned in this column), but it can
now play with the big boys. Again, small reactors are an abrupt entrance
into a major technical field. Note “global ambitions.” A Reuters piece
“an ambitious plan to wrest control of the global nuclear market.” Planning
and doing are not the same thing, but if I were a nuclear market, I would
be uneasy.

For whatever reasons, the American media do not much cover technological
advance in China. Ignorance? Arrogance? Is it just the American tendency to
regard the rest of the world as unimportant? Maybe a little attention would
be a good idea. A steady stream of advances comes out of the Middle
Kingdom. In some fields, the Chinese lead the world. In others, they are
behind but not be much, and gaining. Could be important. Especially if they
learn to innovate.

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