A War On Globalism <http://endoftheamericandream.com>

A War On Globalism

Posted: 29 Jun 2017 10:12 PM PDT

you ever wondered why Donald Trump is so deeply hated by the elite?  It
isn’t because he is a Republican.  In fact, there are lots of Republicans
out there that the elite absolutely love.  The truth is that the reason the
elite have such deep animosity toward Trump is because he is fighting their
globalist agenda.  When Trump talks about a border wall or a travel ban,
the elite hate that because they ultimately want a world where national
borders have been made meaningless.  And when Trump talks about tearing up
trade agreements that really freaks them out because they have been
working very hard to try to merge the economies of the planet into a single
global economic system.  Worst of all for the globalists was when Trump
pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.  For decades the elite have been
using such international agreements to impose their values on the entire
planet, and now the leader of the most powerful nation in the world is
standing up to them.

Unfortunately, most of the members of Congress are still embracing the
globalist agenda, and this puts them directly at odds with Trump.  So just
because someone is a “Republican” does not mean that they care about
American sovereignty.  Sadly, sometimes Republicans are actually some of
the worst offenders when it comes to pushing globalist causes.

This is why we need a new political war against globalism.  It wasn’t
enough just to get Trump into the White House, because the globalists in
Congress seem determined to block most of the things that he is trying to
do.  So we need to kick the globalists out and replace them with true
patriots that truly want to restore our republic.

Most Americans don’t understand that these issues can have a really
dramatic impact on their daily lives.  For example, the reason why someone
in your extended family may not have a good job right now is because that
job was shipped to China.

According to Politifact
more than one study has found that the United States lost more than 60,000
manufacturing facilities after China joined the WTO in 2001…

In 2001, the year China joined the WTO, the Census counted 352,619
manufacturing establishments. In 2014, the most recent year for which data
is available, it counted 292,543. That’s a drop of 60,076 over those three

Another Census series, its Business Dynamics Statistics
<https://www.census.gov/ces/dataproducts/bds/data_estab.html>, tallied
348,513 manufacturing establishments in 2001 and 274,756 in 2014 — a drop
of 73,757 manufacturing establishments.

And another study found that the U.S. lots a whopping 2.4 million
manufacturing jobs
after China joined the WTO…

A  a 2014 report
<http://www.epi.org/publication/china-trade-outsourcing-and-jobs/> out of
the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute found that the U.S. trade
deficit with China has cost 2.4 million manufacturing jobs between 2001 and
2013. The report cites illegal Chinese policies that encourage exports and
keep labor cheap, as well as a failure of the WTO agreement that endorsed
China’s membership to prevent these sorts of actions.

Slowly but surely merging the United States into a global economic system
has cost American workers dearly.  Today, American workers have to compete
for jobs with workers on the other side of the planet that live in
countries where it is legal to pay slave labor wages.  This is driving down
wages and eroding the middle class.

The middle class dipped under 50 percent of the U.S. population for the
first time ever in 2015, and if current trends continue the middle class
will just continue to get smaller and smaller in the years ahead.

But the global elite are not concerned about the middle class.  They love
shipping jobs overseas because it enables them to make bigger profits.

Our daily lives are affected by our lack of border security as well.  For
decades, globalists in both major parties have been perfectly fine with
neglecting border security because ultimately they want national borders to
essentially become meaningless.  But this has allowed millions upon
millions of people to enter our nation illegally, and communities all over
America are suffering the consequences.

For example, there are 150,000 gang members now living in Chicago, and a
lot of that growth can be attributed to illegal immigration.  The gang
members now outnumber the police by more than 10 to 1, and more illegal
immigrants are pouring into Chicago with each passing day.

In other parts of the country, the federal government is forcing local
communities to take refugees from the Middle East whether they want them or
not.  Here in Idaho, a five-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by three
Islamic refugees
<http://www.idahostatesman.com/news/state/idaho/article142687194.html>, but
incidents such as this are not going to stop the globalists in Washington
from forcing us to take even more.

And we aren’t even supposed to say “Islamic terror” anymore because the
global elite are trying to foster “cooperation” between all of the major
religions of the world.

If the global elite have their way, America will continue to be merged into
a global economic system, a system of “global governance”, and a system of
“global religious cooperation”.  International bodies such as the UN and
international treaties such as the Paris climate agreement will be used to
impose globalist values on literally the entire planet.

If we do not stop the globalists, American sovereignty could eventually be
eroded away almost completely.  Yes, the “United States” may
still technically exist, but all of the important decisions
would potentially be made by a “North American Union” or a “global

The European Union and the African Union are models for what the elite hope
to do to the entire world.  Many Americans don’t even know that all 55
nations in Africa belong to the African Union.  And of course the elite
eventually hope to unite all of the regions under a single international

If we hope to defeat the globalists, now is the time.  We already have
Donald Trump in the White House, and now we need to kick the globalists out
of Congress and out of important positions in our government agencies.  We
also need to withdraw from a whole host of international agreements that
have already significantly eroded American sovereignty.

We will always want to maintain positive working relationships with other
nations, but we do not ever want to merge into a single global system.

Our founders risked everything to break free from tyranny and to establish
a free and independent republic, and we aren’t about to willingly hand this
country over to the globalists now.
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