What's moon batty about the fact that all Congress is owned by outside
interests, they should wear NASCAR type uniforms showing where they ALL get
their funding from!!! It's not only the GOP, but my point is that the
current GOP can't really agree to get anything done!!!

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 7:51 PM, Keith In Tampa <keithinta...@gmail.com>

> LOL!
> *"[t]he GOP had been in power in both houses long enough to be able to do
> anything they want, the problem is they don't know what they want ... too
> many different corporate sponsors!!!"*
> Your Moonbattery is showing Brine!
> ​
> On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 6:24 PM, MJ <micha...@america.net> wrote:
>> They KNOW what they want ... the SAME thing they have been doing ...
>> implement the same statist/socialist shit as the democrats while working
>> diligently to appear different from them.
>> They campaigned, for instance, on a REPEAL of PPACA. For YEAR they
>> pretended that its repeal was what they wanted. They could have had the
>> bill ready to go on the FIRST day of the new session. If Democrats
>> prevented it or delayed it, they could have had a sticking point to start
>> tallying toward the mid-term elections. They obviously have no interest in
>> REPEAL. Read their 'replacements' which actually CONSERVE the detrimental
>> portions while fine tune perifery to work better while shifting tax
>> burdens. The Rs are a joke. Those who did not grasp this under Newt's
>> Revolution OR Bush's utter failure are beyond help.
>> Regard$,
>> --MJ
>> "The record of the 105th Congress, Republican controlled in both houses,
>> is an abomination.  Spending is up.  No major program or agency has been
>> significantly cut, much less eliminated.  The tax code is more complex than
>> ever, loaded down with new conservative social engineering initiatives.
>> The balanced-budget agreement is an excuse not to cut taxes and, with the
>> ‘surplus’ an excuse to increase spending.  The GOP has seemed intent on
>> federalizing every crime on the books, indifferent to the Constitution’s
>> clear direction that crime is a state and local responsibility….The federal
>> government is a machine designed to increase its control over the lives of
>> average Americans.  It is constantly probing here, pushing there, and
>> generally increasing its control.  Without a philosophically sound,
>> constitutionally based political party opposing that process, it is going
>> to continue to do so with impunity.  The philosophical leadership vacuum at
>> the top of the GOP should be a source of major concern to all
>> freedom-loving Americans. -- Edward H. Crane, Cato Institute
>> At 06:15 PM 7/2/2017, you wrote:
>> Yeah blame Obama and Soros ... the GOP had been in power in both houses
>> long enough to be able to do anything they want, the problem is they don't
>> know what they want ... too many different corporate sponsors!!!
>> On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Travis <baconl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> June 21, 2017
>> *Damn it, GOP: Do something!*
>> By Shari Goodman <http://www.americanthinker.com/author/shari_goodman/>
>> Day in and day out, Americans are witnessing the political assassination
>> of President Trump along with continuous verbal and, at times, physical
>> attacks upon conservatives, yet we encounter no visible defense or offense
>> from the GOP.  Nada!  And we are beginning to wonder why.
>> President Trump steamrolled his victory train through statehouses across
>> the country, turning once-Democratic states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,Â
>> and West Virginia from traditional blue to red.  Republicans captured 35
>> state governorships along with the House and Senate.  One would think the
>> GOP leadership would be ecstatic and exhibit gratitude to the man who is
>> responsible for such a victory, but instead, the GOP establishment is
>> sitting back with near passivity, much as they did during Obama's
>> administration.
>> Granted, President Trump was an outsider who had never held office
>> before.  Unlike Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Lindsey
>> Graham, he was not part of the elite Washington Establishment.  He came
>> out of nowhere to grab the leadership position normally extended to those
>> who wait in line, play the political game, and abide by the rules
>> established by the political mavericks before them.  President Trump did
>> none of that.  He saw a vacuum, and he was determined to fill it, and fill
>> it he did.
>> Instantaneously, the Democratic left declared war upon him, with the
>> Never Trump conservatives not far behind.  His primary win was a political
>> earthquake not only for the Democratic left, but for the GOP establishment
>> headed by folks such as Mitt Romney, who were waiting in the wings to
>> re-establish their command of the GOP leadership.  However, once Reince
>> Priebus and the GOP reluctantly declared their support for candidate Trump,
>> those of us who had supported him from the start were hopeful for a new
>> beginning of mutual respect.  How naive we were!
>> Since President Trump's election, our president has been under daily
>> siege from within and without.  Not a day goes by without an attack by the
>> mainstream media and the press.  The attacks range from unfounded
>> accusations of Russian collusion, which have been debunked, to obstruction
>> of justice, since there is no evidence of collusion.  The whole scenario
>> is a concocted schizophrenic scheme by the entire left to paralyze the
>> Trump administration's agenda with a mission to impeach and remove
>> President Trump from office.
>> This seditious plot is organized by Barack Hussein Obama from his
>> compound in D.C. and financed by billionaire George Soros, who favors a
>> one-world government.  Obama has boasted of his 30,000-strong OFA
>> (Organizing For Action), with 250 offices throughout the country to resist
>> and persist.  In effect, they are organized to resist the will of the
>> people who legally elected President Trump.  When President Trump
>> delivered an executive order to ban immigration from seven hotbeds of
>> Islamic terrorism, Obama delivered his orders to resist and obstruct to his
>> henchmen in those 250 urban areas.  Likewise, his propaganda arm, the
>> mainstream media and the press, along with Soros Brownshirts (antifa),
>> sprang into action with violent protests while activist Obama-appointed
>> judges nullified the order.  Whether it be immigration or health care, the
>> scenario is always the same.
>> It is illegal to plot the overthrow of our republic, and it boggles the
>> mind why this plot is permitted to continue with impunity.  Instead of
>> an investigation into the likes of Obama, Soros, and Hillary Clinton, for
>> numerous criminal activities (using an unsecured server; deletion of
>> thousands of classified emails; pay to play; money-laundering; the sale of
>> 20% of our uranium to Russia; and actual Russian collusion by her campaign
>> manager, John Podesta), special counsel (Robert Mueller) with close
>> personal ties to James Comey, who has admitted leaking classified
>> material, has been assigned to investigate President Trump.
>> In 2011, John Podesta, while an adviser to Hillary Clinton in the State
>> Department, came onboard a small energy company, Joule, based inÂ
>> Massachusetts. Two months later, a Russian entity by the name of Rusnano
>> put a billion rubles ($35 million) into Podesta's company.  It's important
>> to note that Rusnano is not a private company.  It is totally funded by
>> the Kremlin.  Podesta owned 75,000 shares in Joule, but nowhere did he
>> disclose that during his time spent in the Obama administration.  In light
>> of this information, why is the GOP silent?  Why are they not calling for
>> an investigation into possible Russian collusion with the Clinton
>> campaign? Â
>> Where is the justice?  Where is the outrage, and more importantly, where
>> is the GOP?  Instead of defending President Trump on national television
>> or in the press, they are deafeningly silent.  Not only are they not
>> defending our president, but they are not seeking investigations where
>> evidence of real criminality has taken place.  The GOP must not only
>> refute, reject, and defeat the left's contentions of Russia-Trump collusion
>> and obstruction of justice, but also go on the offense and attack Clinton
>> and her cronies for actual and real criminal activity.  We hold all three
>> branches of government, but by their silence and timidity, they have
>> yielded power to the Democratic left, who behave as if they were in power.
>> The GOP may erroneously believe we the people will not notice their
>> lack of action.  Perhaps they are banking on putting one of their own
>> into the Oval Office should President Trump be removed, with a return to
>> business as usual.  Such an assumption would be a huge mistake.  Nearly
>> 63 million of us voted for President Trump, and should he be removed from
>> office, we will view his removal as a personal breach against us.  We will
>> not forget their silence, nor will we forgive.  It will signal a time to
>> begin a new party – perhaps a Constituutional Party composed of those who
>> have the conviction and courage to stand for the Constitution instead of
>> their own interests.
>> Americans need to know that the GOP has the president's back.  Now,
>> damn it!  Do something!
>> http://tinyurl.com/y85q72b4
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