
This article is enough to make a person  sick.

Not only the actions by the Binghamton Police Department, but the state of
affairs that our Nation is in.   Your post from yesterday should make every
American stop and pause.

Since the election, I have literally hoped and prayed that these socialists
who have wrested control of our government could not do enough harm to the
overall strength of our Nation.  That their actions, and the outcome of
their actions could not cause irreparable harm, or  the demise of America.

The information contained in your messages just make me sick
D.B.!!   America's state of affairs are not good, and then, to top it off,
we have our  President going abroad who yesterday during his speeches in
Turkey, in fact marginalized and minimized the United States' role in the

President Obama's speeches yesterday were nothing less than apologetic for
our Nation's great contributions not only to Europe, but to the world.  Yet
these far left extremists, (many here in the Group and especially over in
Politics Du Jour and Euwetopia)  seem to be copacetic with the direction
that this current socialistic Administration is leading us in.

Troubling.  So troubling, that it makes me sick.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:43 AM, d.b.baker <rth...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> [Q] - “Most gunshot wounds are survivable if the victim receives
> medical attention quickly, but almost any gunshot wound will be fatal
> if nothing is done to stop the resultant bleeding. As they waited
> outside, police had no way of knowing all the victims were dead, and
> they had a moral duty to undertake a rescue effort as quickly as
> possible, even if the SWAT team had not yet assembled. Sometimes you
> just have to go with what you have. It’s what cops do.” --
> http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=YzVmOTEzZDhlNzYyY2Y1OWVkODE4MzRkNjk0Mjc0YmE=
> >

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