All true.

On Mar 17, 4:49 pm, "M. Johnson" <> wrote:
> The all but TOTAL government control of banks in America has
> existed since the very EARLY 1900s.  The (unconstitutional) political
> tool -- the FED -- was foisted upon us in 1913.  The New Deal (actually
> the second one -- FDRs) gave of Fannie Mae and a myriad of other
> fascist policies that remain in place ... the Congress subsequently
> gave us Freddie Mac.  In the 1970s the government gave us something
> known as the Community Investment Act.  Subsequent congresses gave
> us changes and enhancements ....
> What basically occurred is the government FORCED lenders to give
> money (printed by the FED) to people and projects that would not
> otherwise be funded ... they PROMISED to then purchase those
> loan instruments ... they then packaged and guaranteed them.  As
> is typical with these interventions ... the whole thing came tumbling
> down -- only the government has continued to try and 'shore up'
> their catastrophe which serves only to delay and increase the magnitude
> of the problem when it actually hits full force.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,
> away from the fog of the controversy." -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
> At 04:02 PM 3/17/2010, you wrote:
> >ho, ho...if you are referring to Barney Frank while the repugs had
> >control of both houses and the presidency, you must debate only with
> >your self or a self absorbed group of wingnuts ...nothing to do with
> >credit default swaps, or that Wells Fargo and others had Wall Street
> >accept their risk..and then in turn we had to bail them out or have
> >the credit markets lock? Zippy, you had better return to the economic
> >romper room, you are out of your league if you want to debate why and
> >what happened in the fall of 2008. ....rule one, no making crap up,
> >rule 2, all aspects are considered, not just cherry picked ones...I
> >will even give you that Clinton signed the repeal of Glass Steagall
> >just to give you leg up.

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