Debates have gone on for years of whether pit bull dogs are
instinctively dangerous or not.
But in all fairness, any animal can be trained to be dangerous or
unruly...even people.

And that's precisely what Republicans brought to this country,
especially in the last 10 years.

The repeating Republican government mantras of;
war, military, law enforcement, spying, defense, secrets,
investigations, more police, wire tapping, enhanced interrogations,
water boarding, tactics, strategy, propaganda, lies, withholding
information, weapons research, tripling of military budgets, arms
build-ups, military recruitment's, deregulation's, skirting existing

On the captialism side of Republican policies we got;
more extreme forms of legalized fighting; television commercials of
revenge anti-social behavior or other angry dark forms of
salesmanship...even the music in the commercials was angry. Resistance
to financial reforms and whistle blowing of illegal or unethical
practices. Ignorance of consumer complaints of numerous kinds....and a
host of other things that have only one purpose and one purpose
only... make people angry, uncivilized, anti-social and dangerous
creatures. Some prone to running in packs like wild dogs. Watch Fox
News if you want to study this behavior.

That's the Conservative way of human nature, the law of the jungle,
and turning people into nothing more than desperate animals.

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