Barbara Boxer.

On Jun 11, 12:07 pm, dick thompson <> wrote:
> You would pick a Republican bad-ass.  Can't find a Dem one?
> euwe wrote:
> >
> > On Jun 11, 11:46 am, dick thompson <> wrote:
> >> That explains your failure to govern.   He is honest and intelligent?  
> >> Don't think so.   What has he accomplished?
> >> euwe wrote:
> >>> can you name an intelligent member of the demwit party?
> >>> and honest one?
> >>> -----------
> >>> Just one?
> >>> Al Franken.
> >>> On Jun 11, 11:32 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> >>>> can you name an intelligent member of the demwit party?
> >>>> and honest one?
> >>>> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:16 PM, dick thompson 
> >>>> <>wrote:
> >>>>>  That is all you got?  That is your game?  One of the two dumbest 
> >>>>> senators
> >>>>> in Congress and you support her?   Open your eyes and see what you 
> >>>>> voted for
> >>>>> - and don't you dare call her Ma'am - call her Senator!!  You betcha.
> >>>>> euwe wrote:
> >>>>> Barbara Boxer - as I said, makes Republicans shake in their boots from
> >>>>> fear. They are in her thrall.
> >>>>> On Jun 11, 9:05 am, Bruce Majors <> 
> >>>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>>  actually even worse than Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac/Community Reinvestment 
> >>>>> Act
> >>>>> is the government control of money, credit, and interest rates through a
> >>>>> state monopoly currency
> >>>>> that causes most recession cyces
> >>>>> those other programs just made this one housing and mortage-centered
> >>>>> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Zebnick <> 
> >>>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>>  Populist bullshit. Wall Street didn't fuck up the financial system,
> >>>>> Democrats did. They directly intervened in the risk profile used to
> >>>>> write loans and injected poison throughout the financial system.
> >>>>> Perpetual self-interested assholes.
> >>>>>  On Jun 10, 6:55 pm, euwe <> <> 
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>  96-1
> >>>>>   On Jun 10, 5:41 pm, Bruce Majors <> 
> >>>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>>    one is  a shitty alzheimers case, the other a lying hypocritical 
> >>>>> dyke''
> >>>>>    both airheads
> >>>>>    On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:41 PM, euwe <> 
> >>>>> <> wrote:
> >>>>>  Both Boxer and Pelosi scare the bejesus out of Republicans. They are
> >>>>> what they fear the most - liberal women - confident, successful,
> >>>>> strong.
> >>>>>     --
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