O'Connell's GOP opponent voted with the Democrats more than with the
Republicans. He has paid the price. The Republican establishment is
already melting on their claim not to support her in the general
election. Voters are putting principles over party. Both parties
ignore this at their own peril.

On Sep 15, 9:23 am, Tommy News <tommysn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Christine O’Donnell, the Tea Party Express, and The Democrats Score Huge
> Election Victory*
> Christine O’Donnell and the Tea Party Express shocked the Republican
> establishment in Washington and Delaware alike Tuesday night, winning the
> First State’s GOP Senate primary and effectively ensuring the seat will
> remain in Democratic hands come November.
>  O’Donnell Scores Huge Upset in Delaware
> By Steve 
> Peoples<http://www.rollcall.com/cgi-bin/udt/fdc.collector?client_id=rollcall&;...>
> Roll Call Staff
> Sept. 14, 2010, 9:15 p.m.
> <http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/rollcall/news;abr=!ie;sz=100x75;tile=2...>
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>  Latest News
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>  *Updated: 9:38 p.m.*
> Christine O’Donnell and the Tea Party Express shocked the Republican
> establishment in Washington and Delaware alike Tuesday night, winning the
> First State’s GOP Senate primary and effectively ensuring the seat will
> remain in Democratic hands come November.
> The Associated Press called the race just after 9 p.m. for O’Donnell, who
> earned 54 percent of the vote compared to 46 percent for Rep. Mike Castle,
> with 85 percent of precincts reporting.
> O’Donnell’s victory almost certainly hands the general election to New
> Castle County Executive Chris Coons (D). Republicans don’t plan to spend
> money to contest the race with O’Donnell claiming the nomination, because
> they do not view her as a viable candidate who can appeal to the broader
> electorate.
> Had he survived the primary, Castle, a former governor and longtime
> Congressman, would have been the frontrunner to defeat Coons.
> Following a string of upsets by tea party-backed Senate candidates in
> Kentucky, Nevada, Colorado and Alaska, the Delaware race tested the clout of
> the conservative movement in the Northeast, a region where Republicans must
> make substantial gains to reclaim majorities in the House or Senate. And in
> some ways, Tuesday’s contest showcased the GOP’s identity crisis amid
> intense pressure from the right.
> Democrats delighted in the defeat of another establishment-backed candidate
> and used Republicans’ own words to demonstrate how unlikely it is that
> O’Donnell will be embraced by party leaders now that she is the nominee.
> “Delaware Republicans chose an ultra-right wing extremist who is out of step
> with Delaware values. Christine O’Donnell cares more about imposing an
> extreme social doctrine than addressing the challenges facing working
> people,” Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Bob Menendez said
> in a statement. “Even the Delaware Republican Party Chairman has said
> O’Donnell is ‘not a viable candidate for any office in the state of
> Delaware,’ and ‘could not be elected dog catcher.’”
> The National Republican Senatorial Committee, which had vigorously supported
> Castle, released a one-sentence statement in reaction to O’Donnell’s
> victory.
> “We congratulate Christine O’Donnell for her nomination this evening after a
> hard-fought primary campaign in Delaware,” NRSC Executive Director Rob
> Jesmer said.
> O’Donnell and her tea party supporters knocked Castle earlier in the week as
> “King RINO, the most liberal GOP member of Congress.”
> “We have gone all in,” Tea Party Express spokesman Levi Russell said before
> polls closed Tuesday. The group is an arm of the national movement and sent
> a team to Delaware for about a week, organizing rallies, phone banking and
> spending as much as $250,000 to help O’Donnell. “We think we’ve done
> everything we can to put the spotlight on Christine,” he added.
> But in a state where less than 30 percent of voters are registered
> Republicans, the Delaware GOP waged all-out war against O’Donnell and the
> tea party in recent days. After repeated accusations that O’Donnell was
> dishonest on the campaign trail and irresponsible in her personal finances,
> the state party disseminated an eleventh-hour robocall Tuesday featuring
> former O’Donnell campaign manager Kristin Murray.
> “As O’Donnell’s manager, I found out she was living on campaign donations,
> using them for rent and personal expenses, while leaving her workers unpaid
> and piling up thousands in debt,” Murray said in the recording. “She wasn’t
> concerned about conservative causes. O’Donnell just wanted to make a buck.
> That’s why I left and why I won’t trust O’Donnell with my hard-earned tax
> dollars.”
> More:http://www.rollcall.com/news/49827-1.html?ET=rollcall:e8672:80082561a...
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy

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