We’re told that a fire broke out at almost exactly the same time as the 
Marathon bombing, a short distance away at the JFK library. 

That was a mechanical fire and MILES away.

On Thursday, May 16, 2013 9:27:37 AM UTC-5, MJ wrote:
> *WHO in Boston: Bombing Story Mysteries
> *By Russ Baker <http://whowhatwhy.com/author/russ-baker/> on May 14, 2013 
> Most of the national and international media have left Boston -- and 
> essentially moved on from the Marathon bombing story. But at WhoWhatWhy, 
> we’re just getting started.
> Why? Because we see a lot of problems with what we’ve been told so far. 
> We’ve been disappointed that the media have failed to demonstrate healthy 
> skepticism while passing along, unchallenged, the (self-serving) assertions 
> of “the authorities.”
> It is the job of journalism not only to report what authorities say, but 
> also to confirm their claims, and address anomalies, errors, 
> inconsistencies, outright lies, and cover-ups, large and small.
> When it comes to falsehoods of all types, we’ve seen plenty of doozies, 
> and you don’t have to go all the way back to the Tonkin Gulf incident­which 
> helped pave the way for the escalation of the Vietnam conflict. Most people 
> now understand that circa 2002-2003, the George W. Bush Administration 
> knowingly 
> exaggerated and 
> deceived<http://whowhatwhy.com/2013/03/13/not-so-fast-not-all-media-screwed-up-the-iraq-story-just-almost-all/>in
>  order to justify a desired invasion of Iraq.
> Things have not markedly improved with the Obama Administration. The 2011 
> “raid that killed Bin Laden” at Abbottabad, Pakistan, went a long way 
> toward bolstering Obama’s “toughness cred,” and was probably a factor in 
> his being re-elected. Yet staggering inconsistencies 
> <http://whowhatwhy.com/2011/08/17/raidbinladen/>in official accounts of 
> the raid have never been properly reconciled. The current scandal du jour 
> is over the Obama Administration’s putting out fake story lines on Benghazi 
> to divert attention from how it handled facility security in that troubled 
> location.
> Yet even partisans on the attack in each of these cases typically fail to 
> get at the real story -- which, in the case of Benghazi, has to do with how 
> the entire “humanitarian intervention” in Libya was, as we 
> reported<http://whowhatwhy.com/2011/08/31/now-that-we%E2%80%99re-celebrating-qaddafi%E2%80%99s-end-can-we-get-a-little-truth/>,
> a cover for a deadly geo-strategic gamble that has opened a can of worms 
> from which have sprung untold Al Qaeda types.
> ***
> So what about the Boston Marathon bombing, in which innocent people died 
> seemingly at the hands of anti-American monsters?  While some insist that 
> under these circumstances everyone, including the media, should prove their 
> patriotism by shutting their eyes and ears, we hope you agree that 
> especially at such times it’s important to ask the tough, even unpopular 
> questions. The Boston story, as we previously 
> noted<http://whowhatwhy.com/2013/04/19/the-marathon-bombing-what-the-media-didnt-warn-you-about/>,
> is full of question marks and high-stakes implications­all the more reason 
> to dig beneath the screen of official handouts. And, in the coming weeks, 
> that’s just what WhoWhatWhy plans to do.
> For now, here are some examples of the things we wish to better understand:
> *Race Security
>  *We have been told­and see evidence­of a security presence unprecedented 
> at such athletic events. This includes the claims by Alastair Stevenson, a 
> college cross-country coach and frequent marathoner, that he heard 
> announcements of security drills that day and saw beefed up security. It 
> also includes the presence of personnel from the private contractor Craft 
> International, first in the crowd watching the runners, then, after the 
> bombs went off, actively involved in the crime scene investigation. Is 
> there an explanation for this? What exactly were these security people 
> deployed against?
> *The JFK Library Fire
> *We’re told that a fire broke out at almost exactly the same time as the 
> Marathon bombing, a short distance away at the JFK library. Although 
> initial reports indicated a possible explosion, we have since been told 
> that it was just an “accident.” We’ve had very few details since then, 
> though the museum did reopen after a number of days.
> *MIT Cop
> *We originally heard from reporters that a police officer from MIT was 
> killed during a confrontation with the Tsarnaev brothers. Later, around the 
> time of a highly publicized funeral for the “hero cop,” the authorities 
> quietly revised their story; in the new account, the officer was shot while 
> sitting in his car, perhaps during an attempt to take his gun, though we’ve 
> seen no evidence of this. No explanation of why the Tsarnaev brothers would 
> even have been on the campus, or wanted or needed his gun, nor has hard 
> proof been produced that the brothers were in fact the cop killers.
> *7-11
> *In the midst of the manhunt, we were told that the suspects robbed a 
> 7-11 convenience store to obtain cash for a getaway. But later, that 
> scenario vaporized. How did the initial wrong story come about?
> *How Tamerlan Died
> *On the night Tamerlan Tsarnaev was reportedly shot by police, then 
> accidentally run over by his fleeing younger brother, CNN broadcast a video 
> showing a crime scene teeming with police, in which a handcuffed man who 
> looks quite a bit like Tamerlan­having been made to strip naked­is being 
> hustled into a patrol car. The reporters speculated at the time that it 
> might indeed be the bombing suspect.
> Later on, the police issued a statement saying it was someone else, a case 
> of mistaken identity. Fine. But who was it? Surely by now we can be told 
> the name of that person­and presumably that person would have no problem 
> recounting his harrowing evening. Perhaps the police are withholding his 
> identity at his request­but given all the wild online speculation that the 
> man in the video might have been Tamerlan himself, why not make more of an 
> effort to clear up the matter? (While the original CNN video does not 
> appear to be available online, numerous people copied and posted versions 
> onto YouTube­and can be found there with a search on “naked man Watertown 
> CNN.”)
> *Missing the Crucial Block
> *Somehow, the police managed to comb many blocks in Watertown, but not 
> the block on which Dzhokhar was eventually found. As a result, police did 
> not find him. A homeowner, David Henneberry, did­and that story is rather 
> strange. As soon as the governor relaxed the order that everyone stay 
> indoors (why would the police do that if a deadly terrorist was still on 
> the loose?), Henneberry came out to his driveway, took a look at his boat 
> and noticed, according to the *Boston Globe, *that
> something was amiss. The straps weren’t quite right. The pads seemed 
> somehow askew . Henneberry, a former telephone company technician, climbed 
> a ladder and peeked inside. There was blood. A lot of blood. And on the 
> other side of the boat’s engine box there was a body.
> *The Dzhokhar Capture Story
> *Originally, we were told that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev held police at bay 
> during a lengthy and formidable gun battle from the boat where he had taken 
> shelter. We later learned that he was unarmed, and the hail of gunfire had 
> all come from police. We did not learn what the basis for this deadly 
> torrent was­especially because there’s no evidence that police even knew 
> that the body Henneberry glimpsed on the floor of the boat was Tsarnaev’s, 
> or that this bloodied body, which put up no resistance, was an imminent 
> threat.
> *From NoBos to Rambos
>  *We were told that the brothers demonstrated great bravado and 
> confidence with firearms, yet there’s no evidence that they possessed 
> either the experience or skills for such a hypercharged performance. 
> Ordinary people usually only turn into Rambo types in the movies. (Early 
> stories that the brothers practiced at a firing range appear to have 
> fizzled.)
> *FBI Monitoring
> *We were originally told that the FBI had no awareness of the brothers. 
> Later, after reports surfaced that the Russians had warned the Americans 
> about the brothers, the FBI admitted it had monitored them. Why the delay 
> in admitting this? And if the FBI knew the brothers were potential 
> problems, why did the bureau dismiss them as of no interest? The FBI has 
> shown the capacity to be interested in, and a willingness to monitor, 
> almost anyone, including peaceful anti-war protesters­so why the purported 
> lack of interest in these two brothers, given the Russian concern?
> *How Radicalized Were They? 
>  *It was widely reported that in 2010, Tamerlan declared that “I don’t 
> have a single American friend, I don’t understand them.” But in a call to 
> local radio station WEEI shortly after Tamerlan’s death, a good friend of 
> his since 2005­an American­disputed this: “It’s not true­all of his friends 
> were American.” Describing Tamerlan as “happy go lucky,” this American 
> friend said he was “completely shocked” by the turn of events. He said 
> there were no indications of anything amiss or afoot. In fact, he said, 
> Tamerlan had called him just two months ago, and asked him to go skiing, 
> and had been at his house in the past month.
> Also, we are told that Tamerlan became more active and radical *after *the 
> Russians and FBI took an interest in him. What’s this about? Blowback in 
> response to what he felt was bullying by the feds?
> Equally dubious is the evidence of his purported conversion. To wit, an 
> article in which the *New York Times *interviewed some friends of 
> Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and concluded that during a trip last year, as the 
> headline put it, “Suspect in Boston Bombing Talked Jihad in Russia.”
> But if you read the report carefully, and think about it contextually, 
> it’s pretty thin gruel. Imagine that you were looking into most any young 
> person who went back to the “homeland”­where the homeland was the scene of 
> war and unrest. Israel, Palestine, Northern Ireland, Kurdistan, etc. How 
> shocking would it be that the young person might discuss his enthusiasm for 
> the “cause” or even professions of interest to “suit up”? Would that be so 
> unusual? Would it point to a probability of someone wanting to kill and 
> maim a large number of innocent people in his adopted country­especially 
> when the adopted country was not the enemy of the people in the homeland?
> * Brothers in Arms?
> *For two brothers to become accomplices in this astonishing crime 
> requires enormous bonds of trust, loyalty, and shared values. Yet friends 
> of the brothers indicate no great closeness between the two. The younger 
> one was apparently not influenced by his brother, and had virtually no 
> interest in Islam or Chechen nationalism. Friends of the older brother 
> barely knew his sibling. And when the older brother was in Russia being 
> ”radicalized,” the younger brother was back here, doing normal kid stuff. 
> How did Tamerlan bring Dzhokhar into this dastardly plot?
> *Burial
> *The whole story of Tamerlan’s burial is odd. First, police announced 
> that the body was being entombed in an undisclosed location thanks to a 
> “courageous and compassionate individual” who had come forward to cover the 
> costs. What was courageous about that? Courageous to buck public sentiment? 
> Why was it even necessary for a private individual to do this?
> Another thing: We later learned that it was the Tsarnaev’s “Uncle Ruslan” 
> who had claimed the body.
> This was surprising because of the uncle’s poor relationship with his 
> nephews, and his crucial early role in incriminating them. Within days of 
> the bombing, the uncle had declared Tamerlan “a loser,” implying that he 
> found it totally believable that his flesh and blood would commit this 
> astonishing atrocity. We later learned that he hadn’t had contact with them 
> for years. We also later learned (although not from mainstream news 
> sources) that Uncle Ruslan worked in the oil and gas business and had 
> intriguing connections­and that his ex-father-in-law was a high CIA 
> official with ties to Chechen operations. 
> Will the burial of Tsarnaev near Richmond, Virginia, 550 miles from the 
> scene of the crime, hinder any potential efforts to exhume his body and 
> learn more about how he died?
> *Dead (and Almost Dead) Men Tell No Tales
>  *We have a case where one of the suspects was killed, and the other was 
> nearly killed and literally silenced up to this point. Obviously, the key 
> to this case would be to get Dzhokhar into a place where he could speak 
> freely and without fear or coercion. What is happening on that front? 
> There’s been a near blackout of information.
> *Anonymous Sourcing
>  *This story has seen constant leaks by “sources close to the 
> investigation.” Assuming those leaks are authorized, what is the purpose? 
> Assuming everyone is entitled to a fair trial, these leaks make it harder 
> for Dzhokhar to get one­and consistently advance a hostile narrative.
> * Kids with Cars
>  *There’s an awful lot of money and fancy cars around this story. 
> Tamerlan had a Mercedes; Dzhokhar’s foreign friends had expensive cars. And 
> the unnamed “carjacking victim”?  A 26-year-old engineer who had recently 
> gotten his Masters, he had a brand new $50,000 Mercedes SUV and was “out 
> for a spin” at the time of the alleged carjacking. Remember the classic 
> journalistic advice: “Follow the money?” Maybe it should be *Follow the 
> Mercedes*.
> *Qui Bono?
> *What motivations could anyone have to manipulate this tragedy in which 
> three innocents were killed and hundreds were injured and maimed? What role 
> does international jockeying for access to the tremendous mineral wealth in 
> the republics on Russia’s southern flank play in the actions of terrorists 
> at an iconic American sporting event? As we are reminded time and again, 
> with Iraq (see 
> this<http://whowhatwhy.com/2011/02/15/the-empire-strikes-again-2/>and 
> this<http://whowhatwhy.com/2011/03/02/iraq-invasion-revelations-part-ii-the-payoff/>)
> with 
> Libya<http://whowhatwhy.com/2011/06/06/libya-connect-the-dots-you-get-a-giant-dollar-sign/>,
> with 
> Afghanistan<http://whowhatwhy.com/2012/09/10/the-real-reason-for-the-afghan-war/>,
> with just about any deep and complex story with global ramifications, you 
> probe a little and pretty soon you’ve struck oil­or some other precious 
> resource. Find a big story that doesn’t have money at its root, and it will 
> be an unusual story, to say the least.
> Also, in a time when our civil liberties are eroded and the security state 
> expanded every time terrorists strike, we’d do well to always take a closer 
> look.
>  http://whowhatwhy.com/2013/05/14/who-in-boston-bombing-story-mysteries/ 

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